"Sailor Slave"

Chapter 9

"Rini! Where are you?!?" Serena screamed as she ran. Her hair tumbled in the wind; perhaps the storm was coming back. "Tuxedo Mask... how can I find her?"
"We'll split up!" he continued to run, although his hat had flown off, rolling down the street.
"It's too dangerous!" Sailor Moon yelled after him.
"Wait! I hear her!" he exclaimed.
"Where's her voice coming from?!?"
"Sounds like below us!"
"That's not possible! She can't be in the street!"
"The sewer!" Darien realized.

"Mommy! It's Sailor V!" a small boy shouted to his mother, who was buying jewelry at Osa-P.
"Uh-huh..." the mother just ignored her child, although he was tugging on her dress as hard as he could.
"They're not here!" Sailor Mars exclaimed to Mina.
"Ooohh!" the boy screamed. "Can I have your autograph?"
"Right now, we have to save the city! I'll come back here later, okay?" Sailor Venus told the child.
"Okay! Bye-bye!" the boy waved.

"How will we get down there? There are no manholes!"
"Sailor Moon... try your tiara! We don't have any time to lose!"
"And destroy the street?"
"The city'll fix it. Besides, if we don't save Rini, the Negaverse will destroy the city! Which, just so you know, includes all the streets!"
Sailor Moon grabbed the tiara off her head. "Moon, Tiara, Magic!!" she launched her tiara. She missed the street and hit the side of a tree. It exploded like an bomb inside a board of wood.
"I guess I'm a little rusty. I haven't used it as much since I've gotten the Moon Scepter!"
"Try it once more!"
"But where did it go? Oh! There it is!!" Sailor Moon ran out into a yard and picked it up to try again. "Moon, Tiara, Magic!!" This time her aim was perfect. A perfectly circular hole was in the street now.
"Let's go!" Tuxedo Mask commanded. And with that, they both jumped into the sewer.

"Looking for me, Sailor stupids?" a voice came from behind Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus, who were running down the sidewalk.
"Amy!" Sailor Mars exclaimed.
"No! I'm Amphead! Not Amy! Amphead!! Amphead!!"
"Amy, we know you're in there!" Sailor Venus contributed.
"No!" Amphead screamed and a surge of blaring heavy metal came out of the speakers on her shoulders.
"My ears!!" Sailor Venus screamed, although she couldn't hear herself over the music.
"Mars, Fireballs, Charge!!" Raye hit Amphead from behind with a spirit ward.
Amphead screamed. "I-i c-can't-t m-move!" Amphead started to play more music, hoping the vibrations would peel off the paper.
"I don't think so! Venus, Crescent-Beam, Smash!!" The crescent-beam hit Amphead's speakers, causing them to implode.
"Nooo!! Not my speakers!!" Amphead clutched her broken speakers with her hands as the slip of paper fell to the ground.

"Rini! Where are you?!?" Sailor Moon sobbed.
"Sailor Moon, crying will not help!" Tuxedo Mask informed. "Although you do all of the time," he muttered.
"Sailor Moon!! Help m-" came Rini's voice, but the echo made it nearly impossible to tell the direction of the voice.
"Rini? Where are you?!?"
"She's over here, Sailor Moon!"
"Let go of her! Hey! Tuxie, where'd you go?"
"Tell your heroine if she doesn't surrender the Silver Imperium Crystal, you're toast!"
"Sailor Moon! If you don't hand over the Imperium Crystal, I'm toast!" Rini repeated.
Droid Mechinack and Rini stood directly in front of Sailor Moon.
"Moon, Healing, Activation!! Hey, why didn't it work? Yikes!" The electrical cords snapped out of the sewer walls, and tightened around her ankles.
"Can't you figure it out? I'm a droid, not a human. Never was! Boy, are you stupid!"
"Hey! Who are you calling stupid-" Sailor Moon wailed as the electric cords tightened around her waist, hands, and neck.
"Hand over the Silver Imperium Crystal, or you'll get a big shock! Get it?"
Where did Tuxedo Mask go? Oh, I'm in so much trouble! Serena thought.
Rini broke free of the wires clamped over her mouth, "Sailor Moon! Are you okay?"
"Okay, droidey-" Sailor Moon started, but was interrupted by the droid.
"The name's Droid Mechinack! Learn it! Not that it matters! You'll be dead, soon, anyways!" the droid laughed.
"You have to release me for me to give you the crystal," Sailor Moon bluffed, hoping Droid Mechinack would fall for her trick.
"Do you think I'm stupid?!? I'll fry you, then search you for it!"
Just then, a sharp, red rose hit Droid Mechinack on the arm. Sparks flew from the impact point, and small wires fell to the ground.
"Ow!" the droid screamed in pain.
"Never mess with electricity, Mechinack!" a voice came from around the corner.
Droid Mechinack turned in his direction as Tuxedo Mask stepped out of the shadows. "It's cape-boy! I've been warned about you!" the droid pointed its finger at the cords on the wall. They instantly wrapped around Tuxedo Mask, rendering him helpless.
"Luna Ball, Kitty Magic!! Bop her!!" Rini screamed. Luna Ball jumped from the ground, and hit Droid Mechinack on the head, causing her to fall down. From the surprise, the droid also lost her concentration, which allowed the three to free themselves from the electrical wires.
"Moon, Scepter, Elimination!!" Sailor Moon screamed, and aimed her scepter at the droid, before the droid could get up.
"No! I will retur-" she screamed before turning into dust, a small, yellow gem with the Negamoon insignia falling last, growing grey, then disappearing in a puff of smoke as well.
"Ha! Moon-dusted!" Sailor Moon cheered.
"Sailor Moon, I'm sure the other scouts need you to help heal Amy. I'll take Rini home."
"Uh-huh!" Sailor Moon nodded, then headed in the opposite direction.

"Where am I?" Sailor Jupiter moaned, holding her hand to her head, which was throbbing. "What the heck am I doing in a warehouse? I think I remember Sailor Nega draining my energy..." She crawled to the doorway, too weak to get up. "Yeouch!" she hit a blazing, invisible forcefield with her hand. I hope the other scouts find me! she said to herself

"No! You won't turn me back into a human!" Amphead screamed.
"Hi, guys! Moon, Healing, Activation!!" Sailor Moon shouted, holding up her Crescent Wand. A circle of light formed around Amphead. Slowly, the monster's features melted into a human's. The hair turned blue, and the speakers disappeared. The light vanished, and Amy was lying on the ground, half-asleep.
"What took you so long?" Sailor Mars complained.
"Another droid. Listen, we have a problem. The Negaverse unleashed two enemies at once this time! That means there's no telling how many they'll send out next time. We are in big trouble!" Sailor Moon warned.
"No kidding! But Sailor Jupiter is still missing!" Sailor Venus pointed out.
"Look, Amy's stirring!" Raye exclaimed quietly.
Amy turned over, as her eyelids slowly opened. She looked down at her hands, and the rest of herself. "I'm back to normal!" Amy cried ecstatically.
"What happened?" Sailor Moon asked.
"Well, all I remember is, I bumped into someone at school, who figured out I was Sailor Mercury because of my communicator. She transformed into Sailor Nega, stole energy from some boy, and transformed me! I don't remember who she was, though. But it was someone I knew at school!" she explained. "Oh, yeah, it was a girl."
"Amy, you stay here, and we'll go look for Lita," Sailor Mars ordered.
"She's in trouble, though. I need to help!", Amy protested.
"You need your rest. We can handle it," Sailor Venus assured her.
"I'm okay! What if you run into Sailor Nega or something? I'm coming along, whether you guys like it or not! Mercury, Star, Power!!"

"It's been at least an hour since I've woken up! They still haven't found me! How can I get in touch with them? My communicator!" Sailor Jupiter exclaimed. She turned it on and started talking.

"I've found her!" Sailor Mercury yelled.
"Where?!?" Sailor Moon asked.
"She's in that abandoned warehouse!" she yelled and pointed below the hill they were all standing on.
"Let's go!" Sailor Mars initiated.
"Sailor Scouts, I'm in an abandoned warehouse! But I don't know which one!" Sailor Jupiter's voice came from Mercury's and Mars's communicators.
"Sailor Jupiter, we've found you," Sailor Mercury spoke into the communicator, pushing the knob on the side.
The scouts ran down to the warehouse and tried to step through the doorway. Sailor Moon was the first to be shocked by the forcefield. "Ouch! That hurt!" Sailor Moon cried out, preparing to bawl again.
From the other side, which the scouts could see, Jupiter spoke up, "There's some sort of forcefield. I think Sailor Nega has something in store for me! Please get me out!"
"I have an idea!" Sailor Venus exclaimed. "Venus, Crescent-Beam, Smash!!" Her beam hit the forcefield, but bounced off harmlessly.
"I don't get it!" Sailor Mars commented, "Her beam worked to destroy the Malachite's forcefield, but it won't destroy Sailor Nega's!"
"I have no idea when Sailor Nega will come to get me, nor who she'll bring to stop you from rescuing me!" Sailor Jupiter complained. "So just hurry and get me out of here!"
"Let's think about this logically," Sailor Mercury said matter-of-factly. "We can't destroy the warehouse, or get through the forcefield..."
"Who said anything about destroying it? If Sailor Mars could just make a small hole in the wall with her fire!" Sailor Jupiter shouted.
"Don't you think anybody will notice the whole?" Sailor Mercury inquired.
"The operative word is 'abandoned,'" Sailor Jupiter pointed out sarcastically.
"Okay, here goes! Mars, Fire, Ignite!!" Sailor Mars screamed as fire lept from her aiming fingers, and blasted a hole the size of a refrigerator in the wall. Sailor Jupiter slowly rose to her feet, and staggered to the hole. Once there, she stepped through, and the other scouts helped her walk, as they all left together.

"Rini, can you stay by yourself for a few minutes? I have to go somewhere, but on my way, I'll tell Darien to come here. Okay?" Tuxedo Mask asked the little, pink-haired girl before him. The two were sitting on the couch in Serena's living room. Serena's mother was still passed out, but Tuxedo Mask had carried her and placed her in her bed upstairs.
"Tuxedo Mask! No, don't leave me here alone!" Rini cried.
"Where do you want to go, then?" he asked.
"I'll come with you to Darien!" she cheered.
"How about you stay in the bathroom? Did you know Nega-monsters can't go anywhere near bathrooms?"
"Really? Cool!" Rini bounded up the stairs and locked herself in the bathroom.

"Oh no! I forgot!" Sailor Moon exclaimed. "I was supposed to meet Aurora at the arcade!"
"Go on and go!" Sailor Mars commanded. "We'll take care of everything."

"Aurora, I'm sorry I'm late! My friend Amy was missing, and I had to find her! Then I found out she was turned into a monster. But the Sailor Scouts rescued me from her! They turned her back to normal!" Serena exclaimed when she burst through the front door of the arcade.
"Who are the Sailor Scouts?"
"Oh! I forgot that today's your first day in Tokyo! The Sailor Scouts are these five female fighters for justice against the Negaverse!" she explained.
"Um, I've only heard of Sailor Moon and Sailor V, not Sailor Scouts. Have you been playing too many video games?"

"No! That won't work! I won't be able to send them undercover if Sailor Nega turns them into Nega-monsters. I'd have to convince them to come back. I'll have to get a job, get some girls that really have a crush on me, and turn them into henchmen of the Negaverse! I'll inform Sailor Nega of the new plan later. I'll get a job at one of the crystal subroutines! I've only located one so far: a bakery. Hmm... That could work..." Rubius pondered aloud.

"I can't beleive Luna left!" Amy exclaimed.
"She's in for a major surprise, remember, the cave even transported us onto the moon!" Mina continued.
"Luna left?!?" a voice came from the corner.
"Artemis!" Mina exclaimed. "Where were you? We really needed your help today!"
"Do you remember Hercules?" Artemis started
"Yeah, the cat that had the rainbow crystal," Amy nodded.
"Well, he saw me with Luna, and got jealous. I've been outrunning him for about eight hours! I finally lost him through a car wash."
"Here, have a cookie," Lita soothed.

"Rubius, I'm here. Any new information?" Aurora spoke into the communication device she had put in her apartment.
"Ah, Sailor Nega! Nevermind the plan about transforming the four sisters. I have another idea, which I will carry out," Rubius explained.
"Okay! Sure thing! Anyways, I'd like to go a day without having to transform anyone... So, what's this plan of yours?" she asked.

Serena was about to unlock the door of her house, when it opened.
"Oh! You startled me, Darien! Uh, what are you doing here?"
"I was just leaving. I had another reason for staying over, not because of you."
"Rini?" Serena looked at him, and saw the answer in his eyes. "Why is it never me?"
"I, um... have to leave now! Bye!" Darien ran off. If only I could tell her...
Serena sat herself down on the couch, tears streaming down her face.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)