"Sailor Slave"

Chapter 6

"It is raining! Wow, she's good," Artemis exclaimed. "Ugh, I'm getting all wet!" He shook himself.
"Meeooww!!" a cat's angry voice came from behind him. It was a huge, blue cat.
"Who are you?" Artemis asked.
The other cat only gave a brief caterwaul in response.
"Oh, I think Luna told me about you. You're Hercules!"
The other feline simply hissed vi,iously.
"This is going to be a long storm!" Artemis sighed as the rain continued to beat down.

Serena screamed at the loud crack of thunder and jumped onto her desk.
"Serena, will you sit down in your seat?" Serena's teacher scolded.
Serena climbed off the desk and plopped in her seat. "Sorry, ma'am."
"Serena," Molly whispered, "You've got to conquer your fear of lightning!"
"But Molly-"
The thunder once again crashed as Serena screamed, "It's so loud!! Yiii!!"
"Can you please get off the ceiling?" Serena's teacher begged.
"Cool!" a boy from the back of the class exclaimed, "she can hang on the sprinkler!"
"Be quiet!" the teacher yelled at him.
At that instant, the intercom blared, "Amy Mizuno is missing from all her classes. If anyone has any information on her whereabouts, please contact the office!"
Where could she be? She's never missed a class!, Serena wondered.

Why isn't Amy here? I just talked to her at lunch. Now, where could she have gone? Lita questioned herself after the speaker silenced.
"Okay, class, does anyone know anything about Amy?"
Lita raised her hand.
"Yes, Lita?"
"I just talked to her at lunch; Can I try to look for her?" Lita asked her teacher.
"Okay, but come back before the bell. You already have a permanent mark for skipping school yesterday."
"Yes, ma'am," Lita hurried out the door.

"Ah, here it is!" Luna found a tape recorder in Amy's room. She popped out the tape and struggled to unwrap a blank cassette. She used her claw and finally got it open. She pressed the record button, "Dear scouts, I'm going to the caves where Artemis and I went to the North Pole through. By what you've told me, you made it to the moon through those same caves. I am going to try to find some plausible explanation for Sailor Nega's appearance. Sincerely determined, Luna." She hopped out the window.

"I'm safe!" Rini exclaimed from her hideout in the sewer. "No machines in the sewer!"
"Wrong again, kiddie!" came Droid Mechinack's voice. The power wires strapped to the wall came looose and tangled around Rini.
Rini screamed in a more high-pitched, shrill voice than ever.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)