"Sailor Slave"
Chapter 5
"Oh no! I'm almost late for class!" Amy cried, running down the hall.
Aurora cried out in pain as she bumped into Amy. They both fell down, and Amy's books spilt out on the floor. The bell then rang, informing the two girls that they were both tardy.
"I'm late for class the first time in my life!" Amy realized. "This is terrible! I won't have perfect attendance!"
"It's all my fault; I'm so sorry. Here, I'll help pick your things up," Aurora offered.
"Thanks," Amy smiled.
Aurora bent over to pick up Amy's trigonometry textbook, but Amy's hand got there first.
Aurora gasped, as she saw Amy's wrist communicator.
"What's wrong, Aurora?" Amy asked.
"I've seen that before!" she pointed at Amy's communicator, "You're Sailor Mercury!"
"Uh, I have no idea what you're talking about," Amy stammered.
"Nega, Dark Stone, Power!!" Aurora screamed. Dark streams, like a black light, spiraled down from her Dark Stone in the air. They grew thicker and covered her. Then, slowly they disappeared, Sailor Nega ready to attack.
"Get away from me!" Amy scrambled down the hall, stumbling over her books.
"Aaaaaggghh!!" A brown-haired boy at the water fountain screamed, making a mad dash down the hall, to no avail.
"Hey, I need just a little more energy; you'll do! Nega, Dark Stone, Drain!!" she shouted and the boy fell limp to the floor.
"Mercury," Amy started, "Star-"
"I don't think so! Nega, Dark Stone, Monsterize!!"
"What's happening?!? My arms! They're-they're turning blue?!? I... I'm... turning... into.... Amphead!! Let's rock this school!!" Amy now had two giant speakers attached to her shoulders and her skin was now all blue. She had a microphone attached to her hip and a head similar to the face of a boombox. The school uniform she was wearing had morphed into a leather jacket and ripped denim jeans, with scribbled writing all over them.
"First, I want you to help capture the rabbit-kid. Then you can rock the world."
"Is that a bribe, Queen Nega? I don't care! Sounds good to me!"
"Okay. Now I'll make that jelly sandwich. I'm just going to stick the vaccuum in the closet," Serena's mother told Rini as she walked to the closet with a vaccuum in hand.
"Fighting evil by moonlight..." Rini sang, the crescent moon on her forehead glowing slightly.
"What's happening?!? Rini!! Run!! The vaccuum is attacking me!!"
"You expect me to beleive that?" Rini walked over to the closet. But Rini screamed as she saw the vaccuum suspended in mid-air sucking on Serena's mom's hair. The cord of the toaster came out of the plug and wrapped around Rini's hand. "I want out of here!" she screamed, struggling to get free.
The radio dial started turning as static and music came through. Then, the noise cut off abruptly and a voice came from it, "Hello, I am Droid Mechinack! Surrender to the Negamoon, child, and my minions won't have to hurt you!
"I feel so weak," came Serena's mom's voice.
"That's right! Rubius will want your petty dedicated energy!"
"No!! I don't want to surrender!! I wanna go back home!!" Rini continued wailing.
"If you surrender, you'll be brought back to the future, as one of us!" the voice cackled.
"Very well, have it your way! Toaster, drain her!!"
"No! I won't go to sleep! Luna Ball, Kitty Magic!! Destroy the toaster!!" Rini's kitty ball began to glow before it rammed into the toaster, pieces of scrap metal flying in all directions.
Rini ran out the door and across the street. A parked car came out of the driveway of a neighbor's house and sped behind Rini. Hearing the engine, she saw the automobile coming at her and began running down the street, several more cars joining the chase.
"You can't escape!"
The sewer! Rini saw an uncovered manhole. She jumped down into it, still running away from whatever was after her.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)