"Sailor Slave"
Chapter 7
"I can't find Amy anywhere!" Lita told herself aloud, "This looks like a job for... Oh, wait, wrong superhero! Jupiter, Star, Power!!"
Lita jumped out an open window at the end of the hallway. "I have to find her! But how?" She stood thinking for a few moments. "Jupiter, Thunder Dragon, Strike!!" she shouted. The antenna on Sailor Jupiter's tiarra came up. "I hope I don't get struck by lightning," she muttered, as she ducked under a tree. A bolt of electricity came out of her tiara, forming into the shape of a dragon! "Great dragon, do you sense Amy anywhere in or out of this storm?" A few minutes later the dragon came back with no success to its mission, vanishing with the next crack of thunder in the distance. "That means either Amy moved through time or she's been transformed into a Nega-slave..."
"There you are!" a voice came behind Sailor Jupiter.
"Huh?" she swiftly turned around.
"Oh! I'm sure you remember me! I'm Sailor Nega! The sixth scout! I really have no idea why you're in the middle of a thunderstorm wearing metal on your head. It seems pretty stupid to me."
"Jupiter, Thunder, Crash!!"
"You think that can hurt me??? Nega, Dark Stone, Drain!" All of Jupiter's thunder got sucked into the stone.
"My thunder!" she gasped.
"Nega, Dark Stone, Drain!!" This time Sailor Nega aimed it at Sailor Jupiter.
"I'm so sleepy..." Sailor Jupiter fell down, unconscious.
"No detention today! Woohoo!" Serena cheered.
"None? That's a miracle for you!" Molly exclaimed.
"So this is what it looks like outside right after school lets out," Serena commented, gleefully. The rain had stopped an hour ago and now the sun was shining.
"Serena!" Miss Haruna panted.
"What, Miss H?"
"Have you seen your friend Lita?"
"No, why?"
"Well, she, Aurora, and Amy are all still missing. This is so unlike them! Well, this is Aurora's first day, so I don't know about her."
"I think I have an idea! I'll be right back, Molly!"
"Serena? Wait up!" Molly trailed behind her.
"Serena, wait for me!" Molly called from behind.
Uh Oh! I'll hide and let her pass me! She ducked behind a bush, and Molly ran ahead.
"Hey! Another victim!" came Sailor Nega's voice.
Molly! Serena screamed in her mind, silently.
"Okay! Take my energy! I'm ready," Molly sighed.
"You're supposed to scream your head off!"
"I've done that a trillion times before! Never works! I always get sucked of all my energy! I resolved to just give in! But, let me tell you one thing, lady! If you take my energy, Sailor Moon will save me! And I will still be drained! But she will still save me! And right now, I'm trying to help my best friend help find Amy and some others who are currently missing!"
"Blue hair?"
"How'd you know?"
"Let's just say I took care of her!" Sailor Nega laughed.
"Y-y-you drained her?"
"Don't be silly!"
"You killed her!"
"She's right here!"
"My name is Amphead, not Amy anymore!" Amphead jumped from hiding.
"Nega, Dark Stone, Drain!!" Sailor Nega cried. Molly fell to the ground, limp.
"That's it! Moon, Crystal, Power!!" Serena transformed. Sailor Moon jumped between Molly and the two Nega-villains. "I stand for love, justice, and the future, past, and present! I am..."
"We know that already! Nega, Dark Stone, Drain!!" Sailor Nega cried. A beam of blackness shot from it at Sailor Moon. She ducked to the side and the beam vanished as it hit the sidewalk.
"Fine! But we'll come back! Nega, Dark Stone, Transport!!" Amphead and Sailor Nega vanished.
"Molly, are you okay?" she picked up her friend, "This is all my fault! If you can hear me, I'm so sorry!"
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)