"Sailor Nega Changes Moons"
Chapter 1
It had been two weeks after the healing of the four sisters. None of the scouts had heard of anything from Rubius. That was for a reason. Rubius had a new plan now that Birtie, Katsy, Prisma, and Avery were all healed. Rubius had talked with the Wiseman and together they had developed a new plan...
"Wiseman, what should I do now?" Rubius asked, staring intently at the translucent image of the Wiseman before him.
"Rubius, in the future we have managed to capture Rini's best friend's older sister. She will be fused with the powers of the Negamoon. She is completely brainwashed to our side now. We will send her to the past. Her ral name is Aurora Buckly, but to the Sailor Scouts, she will be Sailor Nega!!"
A dim light formed to Rubius's side. He swiftly turned. A teenager of about fifteen or so lay unconsious on the floor. she was sprawled on her back, her hair dangling over the floor.
"Rubius! Pay Attention!! She has already been trained. Trying just to capture Rini in the past isn't working. Sailor Nega can steal energy from any human, super-powered or not. She then traps the energy in her Dark Stone. The Dark Stone used to be the Star Crystal. If you've read up on the defeats of Queen Beryl and her minions on the database, you'll remember it was destroyed by Sailor Mercury when
the seven shadows were held captive in it."
"Yes, I do..." Rubius answered.
"Our troops have been going through the ruins of Queen Beryl's palace. It seemed to have been destroyed when she met her demise. We were able to meld the Star Crystal back together using the energy that those scouts used to keep us from one of the crystal points that we almost won over! I decided to re-name it, after all, I did re-create it. Let's hope Sailor Nega can catch the scouts by surprise now. Oh, I almost forgot to inform you that she can use the energy she gathers to transform humans into monsterized nega-slaves. If we send her directly into Tokyo to gather energy for her attack, she might be stopped. So to gather the energy, send her as far from Tokyo as the teleportation devices allow. If the scouts hear of the trouble, it will be too late when they get there! Send her now!!"
"Yes, Wiseman," Rubius replied. The light which showed the Wiseman's image dissapeared. The brown-haired Sailor Nega groaned and got up. Her evil eyes, once good and light-blue, were now a dark red.
"Sailor Nega, go to the outskirts of a little town called Takayo and gather energy!" Rubius commanded.
"Yes, Rubius!" Sailor Nega replied. She walked out of one of the doorways to accomplish her mission.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)