"Sailor Nega Changes Moons"

Chapter 5

The first girl's light blond hair mutated slowly into a majestic blue. Her eyes deformed into long teardrops, and her skin changed into scales a deep azure. Her legs retracted, as did her arms, to give her the form of a snake.
"I am Snakella, at your service, Queen Nega," the monster said while bowing.
The second girl then came out. She twirled her skirt to her humming of a tune. She screamed when she saw Snakella.
But before she could run away, Sailor Nega quickly shouted, "Nega, Dark Stone, Monsterize!!" Another dark, evil beam shot out from the stone, directed at the girl. When the beam reached her, her form vanished and she was as transparent as a ghost.
"Misty here, Queen Nega!"
The other pageant contestants came out of their dressing rooms, and they screamed as soon as they saw the two creatures.
Sailor Nega yelled, "Nega, Dark Stone, Drain!!" and the contestants all fell to the ground, unconscious.
The three villains ran to the front of the stage and Sailor Nega once again shouted, "Nega, Dark Stone, Drain!!" The entire crowd went limp and passed out, becoming one massive heap on the ground.
"Now what, Queen Nega?" Snakella asked.
"Nega, Dark Stone, Transport!!" she announced, and the three of them vanished into thin air.

"Sailor Nega, nice of you to drop in!" Rubius greeted her. Sailor Nega, her two newfound henchmen, and Rubius were all in Rubius's skybase above Tokyo. "The Wiseman has had another premonition: Rini's energy will appear near the Crossroads elementary school this afternoon. Send these two to capture her."
"Yes, Rubius," Sailor Nega replied. "Go now," she instructed Snakella and Misty, who hurried through a nearby mirror.
"Also, I've taken the liberty of enrolling you in the junior high school near where we've seen the scouts. Try to find out their identities, as we suspect that they are of similar age to you. You'll start tomorrow."
"It is done. Nega, Dark Stone, Transport!!" Sailor Nega shouted and dissappeared.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)