"Sailor Nega Changes Moons"

Chapter 3

"Folks, welcome to the 22nd annual November-Fest!!" A man with black hair and green eyes wearing overalls announced, standing behind a podium on a stage. The November-Fest took place, similar to a county fair, once a year on November 18th in Takayo. Takayo was a small town of about only a few hundred. About seventy or so people gathered around the place where the talent shows, beauty pageants, and raffles would take place.
Near the back end of the crowd, stood Aurora Buckly. She was not transformed, but in her human form. In her pocket, her hand clutched the Dark Stone. As a breeze filtered by, her long, brown hair fluttered. Aurora was waiting for the right time to transform without anyone seeing her and to steal all the weak humans' energy.
She had applied to be in the beauty pageant as well as the talent show. Whichever came first, there would be plenty of excited energy to steal.
The man continued his announcements, "The first event will be the beauty pageant! Will all of our contestants please come up to the stage?"
Aurora slid through the crowd, up to the stage. Ten minutes of waiting passed, but not all the contestants showed up. "Ladies, please come behind the stage to your dressing rooms!" the man instructed. There were only five other contestants who showed up. Which was a good thing, because when Aurora went behind the stage, the dressing rooms were all in a row on a wall with curtains in front like little voting booths and there were only seven booths.. She got one in the middle. Once Aurora was sure that everyone else was in a "room," she held up her Dark Stone and whispered harshly, "Nega, Dark Stone, Power!!"
She pushed open the curtain and walked out as Sailor Nega. That announcer is really energized; I'll just drain his energy and turn one of the other contestants into my slave! Aurora planned in her head.
She ducked behind a telephone pole, right behind the announcer. He was taking a break, talking to the man running the concession stand.
This is great, Aurora thought. Two birds with one stone! Heh, heh.. Maybe I'll transform two of the contestants as well! At the top of her lungs, Aurora yelled her primary attack, "Nega, Dark Stone, Drain!!" The two men started leaning, as if from fatigue, then collapsed on the ground once Sailor Nega had drained every last iota of energy from their bodies. They'll be out of it for at least a week.
She jogged back to the dressing rooms, ready to continue her plan. "The announcer told me to tell you all, since he had to go to the bathroom, that we need to go ahead and start the pageant or else he'll be fired!" Aurora called out. The first girl that came out of a dressing room was instantly transformed when Sailor Nega shouted, "Nega, Dark Stone, Monsterize!!" The first person was a girl of about fourteen, the second about seventeen.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)