"Sailor Nega Changes Moons"
Chapter 2
As usual, Serena woke up, looked at her clock and began screaming. "I'm late for school!! Why didn't anyone wake me?!?" She ran into the bathroom and started brushing her teeth, while brushing her hair at the same time. Two minutes later, she ran downstairs fully dressed.
"Take Rini to her school, too. If she's late, you're grounded!" Serena's mother commanded.
"C'mon Rini!" Serena grabbed the girl's arm.
"Let go!!" Rini whined.
"Listen, do you want to be late for school or not?" Serena asked as she stuffed a Pop-tart into Rini's mouth.
"Mff-hmmm-umm-mmmff!" Rini tried to respond, but the Pop-tart was muffling her cries.
Halfway to Rini's elementary school, Rini managed to finish her Pop-tart. "I saw you transform," she said to Serena.
Serena screeched to a halt and lost the grip on Rini's hand. Rini went tumbling into a nearby bush. "What does that mean?" Serena asked nervously.
Rini brushed herself off, "I mean two weeks ago. You stuffed me in that closet at the Cherry Hill Temple. But I saw you, Mina, Lita, Raye, and Amy transform. You five are the Sailor Scouts," she explained.
"Luna will be so mad!! I can't believe this! Waitaminute... why were you spying on us?" Serena accused.
"I... umm... errr... ehhh..." Rini stammered.
"You shouldn't have seen anything. But you did because you wouldn't behave," she lectured Rini.
"I'm sorry."
"This is so weird..."
"Who are you calling weird?!"
"Not you, the situation. Oh, I'd better tell Amy and Lita at lunchtime," Serena grabbed Rini's arm and started running again.
"You're going too fast!!" Rini managed to say despite Serena's speed causing her to fly.
"Here you go!" Serena sat Rini down on the steps of her elementary school. She then ran off at lightning-speed to get to her school in time.
She ran up the flight of stairs to her first period class, Miss Haruna's. Only ten seconds after the tardy bell rang, Serena came into class.
"You're late, Serena" Miss H. boomed.
Serena breathed in and out. "Sorry, Miss H," she apoligized.
"Save it Serena, this is the sixth time you've been late to first period this week and it's only Thursday! You have detention at lunch in my room!"
"Serena," Molly whispered, "Usually you look so tired when you're late, but today you actually look... well... alert."
"I had to take Rini to her school."
"Your cousin?"
"Yeah, my cousin."
Serena sat staring at the ceiling, thinking, What am I going to do? I need to tell Amy and Lita that Rini knows our identities! I know! Next passing period, I'll use the communicators to tell everyone!
"Serena!!" Miss H. screamed.
"What, Miss H?" Serena snapped awake.
"I saw you two whispering. Molly, you can see your friend Serena during detention at lunchtime. And, Serena, you get to see me again after school!"
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)