"Sailor Nega Changes Moons"
Chapter 6
Lita cautiously opened the door to the classroom, knowing the teacher would yell at her any second for being late.
"Lita, you're late!" Mrs. Yagami shouted as soon as the door was open just a crack.
"Sorry, ma'am," she replied, hurrying to her seat, which luckily, was next to Amy's.
"I'm afraid you will have detention this afternoon, Lita," her teacher disciplined, as Lita was shuffling her books under her chair and getting out a few pencils. She kept stumbling and had to pick up her pencils several times.
"Yes, ma'am," Lita answered.
A few kids giggled, then turned back to the teacher so they wouldn't get in trouble as well.
While Mrs. Yagami had her back turned, scribbling on the blackboard, Lita passed a note to Amy:
I was talking to Serena in the hall, that's why I was late. Well, now her communicator's broken, Darien's job is going down so he's working here overtime, but Rini knows the secret, about who we are!
Amy grabbed the note from Lita's extended hand, and read it in her lap. She decided it would be too much fuss to get another sheet of paper out, so she just replied on the one Lita gave her, folded it up, and passed it back to Lita:
How could she have found out? Don't tell me now; tell me at lunch; you already have detention; I don't want to make it any worse!
Serena walked solemnly to Miss Haruna's classroom with Molly for their lunch detention.
"Miss H.... I'm hungry, and sad... Darien still won't tell me why he broke up with me!" Serena began crying. "Miss H.... Can I please have some food?!?" Serena bawled. She blew her nose on a tissue, then tossed it into the trash can.
"Serena... Molly..." said Miss Haruna slowly.
"What, Miss H.?" Molly asked.
"Why is Serena upset? I'd like to help, but I can't understand a word she's saying!"
"I though you were mad at me... Waaahh!!!" Serena cried.
"I was. But now I have a date this evening with Robert again!! I'm so excited!!" Miss Haruna answered, grinning. "Now what seems to be the problem?"
"Darien's tutoring... and I'm not his tutee! Waaahh!!!" Serena shouted, then sniffled again.
"What's wrong with that?" Miss Haruna inquired.
"Please, Miss H...." Molly started. "She's in the dumps because Darien left her. It's like when Maxfield Stan-" she abruptly cut off her sentence.
"I miss him!! Waaahh!!!" Molly started bawling alongside her friend.
"I thought Serena hated Darien because he was always teasing her... Isn't that right?" Miss Haruna asked.
"That meanie, Zoicite!!" Molly shouted with hate.
"I heard she was destroyed by the queen..." Serena sniffled.
"But I should've been the queen then! It's just not fair! What did Zoicite do to the queen more than what she did to me?!?" Molly screamed.
"Girls... your detention is over," Miss Haruna said in pity and left the room silently.
Serena and Molly didn't hear her, and they continued to cry.
Lita was sitting at the cafeteria table, slowly mixing butter into her mashed potatoes.
"Hi, Lita," Amy called as she sat down, and put her tray down as well.
"Mind if I listen in?" Darien asked. He sat down next to the two scouts.
"I'll explain all I know so far," Lita started as she nibbled at her apple.
Melvin poked his head in the doorway. "Why so glum, ladies? Watching soap-operas?" he asked.
"My life is as bad as one!!" Molly cried.
"Mine too!! Waaahh!!!" Serena joined in.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)