"Sailor Nega Changes Moons"

Chapter 8

"Must get Serena..." Luna huffed as she ran to Serena's junior high school.
Serena was sitting in the middle of math class when Luna arrived. "Luna? What are you doing here?" Serena whispered out the window.
"Rini's in trouble! Two monsters from the Negaverse!"
"How can I get out of class?"
"Think of something, then transform into a teacher with the Luna pen," Luna answered.
"Right. But how will I get the others?"
"Use your communicator," she replied matter-of-factly.
"But it's broken."
"Oh. Then... I'll get the others." Luna ran off.
"Serena, do you have something to tell the class?" Serena's teacher asked, obviously noticing Serena talking to no one.
"Do I have to tell them? Could I just tell you?"
"Very well," her teacher sighed.
Serena ran up the teacher's desk. "I need to, umm, like, you-know, go," Serena whispered.
"Fine, go," she said as Serena ran out the door. "Okay, who knows the answer to number ten? Bobby?

"Luna? Is that you?" Lita whispered toward the window.
"Lita, you must help Sailor Moon! Rini is in trouble!"
"I'm on my way," Lita replied, as Luna dissappeared. "Miss Haruna?"
"What is it Lita?"
"I don't feel well. May I go to the infirmary, please?"
"Yes, Lita." Miss Haruna responded and Lita ran out the door.
Serena and Lita had bumped into each other again.
"How will we get out without being noticed?" Lita asked Serena as she scrambled to get up.
"This is how!" Serena held up her Luna Pen, "Disguise Power!! Turn me into... a substitute junior high school teacher!"
"What about me?"
"You are... my daughter... who got suspended from high school and is spending the day with me! Yeah!"
"That's not fair!" Lita protested.
"Calm down, sweetie!"
Lita grumbled. The two walked swiftly down the hallway to the front door with, luckily, no one stopping them. Outside, they ducked into an alleyway to trasform.
"Jupiter, Star, Power!!" Lita shouted to change into Sailor Jupiter. Lightning flew from her transformation pen and melded around her, then crackled off to reveal Sailor Jupiter.
"Moon, Crystal, Power!!" Serena as the substitute teacher shouted. She held her locket in the air as it opened. Wings sprouted, then fell from her, and Sailor Moon was standing there in her place.

"Amy, the others need you!" Luna whispered through the window.
"What's going on?" Amy asked.
"Rini is in trouble with two monsters from the Negaverse!"
"How will I get out of class?"
"Serena and Lita got out; think of something!"
"Okay, Luna."
Luna jumped onto the street to go to Mina's and Raye's schools next.

Jumping onto the top of the elementary school, Sailor Moon started her speech. "Stop right there, Nega-trash!"
"Huh? Who's there?" Snakella looked up.
Sailor Moon and Sailor Jupiter jumped down from the roof as Snakella and Misty had earlier.
"I am fighting for a peaceful future, fighting for the lives of my family, fighting for the lives of my freinds, and I am Sailor Moon, your worst nightmare!"
"I am the essence of thunder, making a striking appearance to stop evil! I am... Sailor Jupiter!"
"And together, we are the Sailor Scouts!" they finished in unison.

"Artemis!" Luna cried as she spotted her feline companion in her path.
"Luna! What is it?" he asked.
"Get Raye and I'll get Mina. Rini is in trouble at her school! Two monsters from the negaverse are after her again!"
"Okay!" Artemis nodded, going off in the direction of Raye's school.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)