"Sailor Nega Changes Moons"
Chapter 9
"Raye! You have to help the others!"
"What?" she turned toward the window.
"You must help rescue Rini from the nega-verse's grasp!"
"Well, how can I get out of class?" Raye asked.
"Think of something." And at that, Artemis ran off to the battle.
"Luna, is that you?" Mina asked out the window.
"No, I'm Andrew, from the arcade!" Luna whispered sarcastically. "Of course it's me! Rini is being attacked at her school by the Negaverse!"
"Bye, Luna!" Mina whispered out the window as Luna ran off.
She soon asked the teacher to get a drink of water, and, once she was in the hall, quickly ducked out the back doors of the school.
"Mercury, Star, Power!!" Amy shouted in an alley, so that no one would see her. Bubbles flew from her pen, seeming to have an endless supply of bubble-juice. They quickly flew off of her as if they exploded, with Sailor Mercury in the alley instead. She ran as quickly as she could to Rini's school. In a matter of minutes, she
arrived, starting her speech. "In the name of Mercury, I am... Oh. You guys are already here."
"Help us fight them!" Sailor Moon screamed.
"Them?" Sailor Mercury asked.
Snakella's body wrapped around Sailor Moon, making her helpless.
"Let go of her!" Sailor Jupiter screamed frantically.
"Oh, let me mention that," Snakella hissed, "I can absorb energy, too!"
Sailor Moon fell limp. "I'm so sleepy.." Her head tilted forward as she struggled to keep her eyelids open, but they were closing before she knew it.
"I must find a weakness! V.R. Visor!" Sailor Mercury shouted. "Oh no! They're human! Transformed by... the Star Crystal?!?"
"What?!? Didn't you destroy that?" Jupiter yelled.
Two cries came from behind. "Mars, Star, Power!!" Raye screamed, the flame surrounding her before the two monsters could see her identity.
"Venus, Star, Power!!" Mina yelled at the same time. Beams of stars enveloped her, then vanished, as Raye's flames did. The last two scouts were now there, ready to fight: Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus.
"About time you got here!" Lita scoffed.
"Attack the snake!" Sailor Mercury shouted. "She's absorbing Sailor Moon's entire life force!"
"Venus, Cresent Beam, Smash!!" Sailor Venus attacked. She twirled her hand, then pointed at Snakella.
The crescent beam hit Snakella on the head. "Oomph!!" she screamed. Sailor Moon fell to the ground, asleep.
"Mars, Celestial Fire, Surround!!" Sailor Mars screamed.
"I don't think so," Misty said and disappeared into a billowing cloud of mist.
"It's choking me..." Sailor Mars managed to choke out.
"Me... too..." Sailor Venus gasped.
"I... can't... get... free..." Sailor Mercury rasped.
Sailor Jupiter saw the mist coming her direction so she quickly jumped out of the way. "Can't get me! Ow!" Snakella had gripped Sailor Jupiter, and now Rini was hiding behind a lamp post. "I can't get free!" Sailor Jupiter whispered. A beam of darkness suddenly shot through the air. "Who are you?" she asked as Sailor Nega appeared.
"Why, I'm Sailor Nega! Like my outfit? It's an original!"
"Not really... Hey, leave her alone!!" she managed to get out, seeing Sailor Nega lunging towards Rini.
"I'll get a huge Nega-bonus for this! No way!" Sailor Nega scooped up Rini.
"Let me go!" Rini cried.
"Shut up, you little brat!" Sailor Nega scolded.
"Now, that's not a nice thing to do!" a red rose hit Sailor Nega's arm.
"Ow! Who might you be?" Sailor Nega responded, dropping Rini in a bush.
"I am Tuxedo Mask! The last time I fought a scout, I was under the influence of evil, as these two monsters are! Sailor Moon, you must heal them! It's the only way!"
"Oh! I've heard of you! You're cape boy!"
"What's going on? Oh! Now I remember!" Sailor Moon got up, but still weak. "Moon, Healing, Activation!!" she shouted and her Crescent Wand sent bright lights the shape of crescent moons toward the two monsters.
"Nooooooo!" They screamed. As the dust floated away, two teenage girls lay on the concrete. The other scouts collapsed, including Sailor Moon.
"Now, to take out the trash!" Tuxedo Mask said to Sailor Nega.
"Now's not the time, but you'll get your battle with me someday... And that will be your last day. Nega, Dark Stone, Transport!!" she vanished.
"Then my job is done," Tuxedo Mask jumped away.
The next day after scool, all the scouts met at the Cherry Hill Temple.
"Who was that other scout?" Amy asked.
"I heard her tell Darien she was Sailor Nega!" Serena shouted.
"But there is no Sailor Nega!" Luna announced.
"Then, who was she?" Lita questioned.
"Well, first off we know she's from the Negaverse," Raye pointed out.
"And she's a Sailor Scout somehow," Mina added.
"Also, she has the power to tranform humans into Nega-monsters!" Artemis contributed.
"We'll find out who she is and we'll stop her, I swear!" Serena vowed.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)