"Sailor Nega Changes Moons"

Chapter 7

Well, I'd better find a 'home' where any of the friends I make at my new school can find me, so no one will get suspicious. Sailor Nega transformed back into Aurora, then headed out for a nearby apartment complex.
The complex was a ten-story building named Sandy Village. The front office was inside the building, behind a door in the lobby.

"How long until the school lets out?" Snakella asked Misty.
Misty glanced at the schoolyard clock, "Five minutes... When will you learn to tell time?"
"Since when do nega-slave monsters have to tell time?"
"We don't have to, it's just very helpful when trying to catch that rabbit-kid!"
As the bell rang, the elementary kids came rushing out, screaming and yelling, but joyfully, none noticing Snakella and Misty waiting on the school roof.

"How does your cat ball float like that?" a boy asked Rini.
"Go away!" Rini answered stubbornly, holding her bookbag over her shoulder.
"Tell me or I'll hit you!" he replied, balling his hand into a fist.
"Fine!" The boy punched Rini in the arm.
Instantly, her arm became bruised, and tears streamed down Rini's face.
"Waaaaaaahhhhh!!!" Rini screamed, both loudly and obnoxiously. A beam of bright light shot up from her forehead, straight into the sky.
"What's that!!??" The boy screamed.
"There you are, rabbit!" Snakella hissed as she jumped down in front of Rini.
The kids all screamed when they saw the two monsters. Most dropped their bags, and some kept them, but all ran away.
"I know it's the middle of the school day, but I must summon Sailor Moon!" Luna said to herself, watching the scene atop a nearby fence.
"I'm getting credit with Queen Nega too!" Misty screamed and jumped after Snakella.
Snakella grabbed the zipper of Rini's pink windbreaker as Rini tried to run away, trapping the frightened girl.
"Let me go!" Rini screamed at the top of her lungs.

"I want an apartment," Aurora demanded to the short and stubby manager of Sandy Village. He was sitting in a red velvet easychair behind a polished, oak desk.
"I'm sorry, miss, but there's no vacancy," he replied.
"Then kick someone out!" she yelled, growing irritated.
"I'm afraid I can't do that," he answered mechanically.
"Nega, Dark Stone, Power!!" Aurora screamed. Streams of blackness flew from her Dark Stone, surrounding her, revealing once again her alter-ego, Sailor Nega.
The man's jaw fell open, amazed at what had just happened.
"Nega, Dark Stone, Hypnotize!!" she yelled. Another beam shot from the Dark Stone, into the man's eyes.
"Kick someone out of their apartment and give it to me. You will remember none of this. I will not have to make any payments. From now on, anything I tell you to do, you will follow exactly. Do you understand?"
"Yes, master."

The man got in the elevator and pressed for the seventh floor. As the bell dinged, the doors opened. He got out and knocked on the door of apartment 7-G. A lady wearing a flower-patterned blouse and a polka-dot skirt answered the door.
"You're evicted," the landlord said flatly.
"What?" she exclaimed.
"You're evicted," he repeated. "You have exactly ten minutes to get all of your stuff out."
"I'll sue!" she vowed as she hurridly packed her clothes and posssesions.
"No point. This was all stated in the lease you signed."
The lady got into the elevator shoving a couch in it and carrying ten suitcases. In the other elevator, Aurora came up. "You will leave now, and not remember anything."
The man got in the elevator that Aurora had come up in and went back to the lobby.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)