"Sailor Nega Changes Moons"

Chapter 4

As the bell rang, Serena jumped out of her seat and ran out the door of Miss Haruna's classroom. Once in the hallway she pressed a little knob on her wrist communicator. She figured it was so loud in the hallway that nobody would notice that she was talking to her "watch."
"Amy, Lita, Mina, Raye, do you hear me?" she spoke into the communicator while swiftly walking.
"I hear you, Serena," Amy's crackled voice came out of the communicator.
"WHat is it, Serena? Are you being attacked by a Negaverse monster or something?" Raye's annoyed voice inquired.
"I'm listening, Serena," came the reply from Lita.
"Where's Mina?" Amy asked.
"No, it's something more urgent! It does have to do with the team, you know," Serena answered.
"Oomph!" Lita and Serena cried at the same time as they bumped into each other. They both fell to the ground, their books scattering everywhere.
"Mina's in a math test right now," Raye explained, "I'm in the middle of science lab at the moment, and now Peter, my lab partner, is looking at me like I'm insane, so this had better be good, Serena!"

"Who's saying your name, Mina?" Mina's math teacher at the private school asked.
"It's a walkie-talkie I have in my purse. I'll put it in the hall, Mrs. Gregory," Mina answered.
"See that you do," the teacher nodded.
Mina opened the door to the hallway and walked out. She pressed the knob on her communicator. "You guys just cost me time on my test!" Mina whispered. "I'm putting you in the hall." She laid the communicator on the floor and walked back into the classroom.

"Oww!! That hurt!!" Serena yelled, beginning to cry.
Lita grabbed Serena's head and shook it. "Get a grip, Serena!"
Amy's frantic voice was coming through Lita's communicator, but not out of Serena's, "What's going on? What happened, Serena?"
"It's broken!! Luna's gonna kill me!!" Serena cried. The bell then rang and everyone but Serena and Lita were in class.
"Gotta go, guys! Bye," Amy cut off.
"What'd you do now, meatball head?" Darien asked.
"Darien!" Lita looked up. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm making some extra money tutoring," he answered. "The movie studio's income has been going down, so they've switched us all to profit sharing. It's getting harder and harder to pay the rent on my apartment."

"Serena, what is it?!?" Raye demanded, growing extremely irritated.
My lab partner's nuts!!! Peter realized fearfully, slowly moving his chair away from the lab desk.
"I have half a mind to turn this thing off!!" Raye continued to yell.

Serena spoke into Lita's communicator, "My communicator broke when I bumped into Lita!"
"Not that! Why did you call us?" Raye stopped as the sound of a bell could be heard. "The bell just rang! And now Peter thinks I'm crazy!! Thanks a lot Serena!" Raye explained.
"Remember the day we healed Prisma and Avery?" Serena started.
"Well... Rini saw us transform..."
"What?!?" Raye screamed.
"She did?!?" Lita screamed.
"So she knows who you are?" Darien asked.
"Rini saw us transform, yes, and yes," Serena answered all three questions.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Raye exclaimed.
"I just found out this morning," Serena responded.
"We need to tell Amy as soon as possible!" Raye realized.
"I have this period with her," Lita volunteered. "I'll write her a note." She glanced at her watch. "It's eleven-twenty! There's not much of second period left. We'll be late anyway!"
"That's better than getting in trouble for ditching!" Serena pointed out.
"Okay, bye," Raye answered. Then there was no one left using the communicators.
"Darien," Serena mumbled, "Why did you break up with me?? Please, just tell me!" Serena's eyes went teary. "You're just so cruel! I would never, never, in a million years, be such a jerk to you! Why?!?" she sobbed.
"I told you... It's over. I-I've gotta go." Darien answered coldly, then ran down the hallway.
Serena sniffled and tears again began to roll down her cheeks. She cried all the way to second period.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)