"Muffin Mania"

Chapter 2

"Hey, Artemis!" Amy called loudly. She was walking up the stairs to the Cherry Hill Temple, Lita follwoing behind her. Amy reached the top and picked up Mina's white cat.
"Something's up! The Negaerse hasn't started any attacks for almost a whole week! Long ago, that would be considered normal, but lately..." Artemis trailed off, a perplexed look coming about his feline face. They reached the room in the temple where Raye and Mina were sitting at a table drinking tea already. Amy and Lita sat down as well, palcing their books beside themselves.
"Where's Serena?" Raye asked, slightly agitated.
"She had previous arrangements," Amy answered flatly.
"I just want to say that everything is going great, except the Negaverse is probably gearing up for a way massive attack, Luna is on a mission to I-don't-know-where, I was trapped in a warehouse for half a day, Amy got turned into a Nega-monster, and Serena is off playing video games!!" Lita exclaimed.
"Why is she playing video games?!?" Raye yelled. "We have a big problem on our hands. We need to train a whole bunch if we're going to save the world! Is she at the arcade? Totally irresponsible!"
"I totally agree!" Mina screamed.
"And Hercules is really getting on my nerves! Last night, he crept into Mina's room and attacked me!" Artemis contributed.
"If everyone would just calm down," Amy suggested.
"Just to be safe, I think someone should be keeping watch over Rini," Artemis mentioned.
"Darien's watching her today," Amy informed. She sipped her tea one more time.
"I just had an idea!" Lita exclaimed.
"What?" they all inquired.
"What if we all go visit that new bakery for brunch tomorrow morning? Scouts and cats only!" she shouted.
"Good idea, I guess," Raye said quietly.
"Okay," Artemis agreed as well.
"I'm in!" Mina exclaimed.
"Me too! I'll visit Serena later tonight and invite her along," Amy offered.

It was down to the last four contestants: Molly against Aurora and Serena against Kino. Molly had her tongue hanging out in concentration and her eyes glued to the screen.
Molly's winning! I've got to win this thing! It could only contribute to preventing any suspicions of me as Sailor Nega... I'll have to drain this girl's energy again, but just enough to make her lose this tournament!

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)