"Muffin Mania"
Chapter 10
"Let us out!" Raye demanded to the three girls. She had pushed her chair out of the way and was standing defiantly.
"I don't think so," Jacklyn laughed. "We're not about to give up anybody we can drain!"
"Ready?" Sarah asked the other two.
"Ready," Kelli answered.
"Wha-what's happening??" Amy stuttered. The three girls spun around, a bright light engulfing them. When they stopped, they were in their hideous Negamoon forms.
Kelli was no more herself, but now she was Deathwish, standing tall with a plaid T-shirt and a pair of black jeans, matched with black boots. Her nails were now polished solid black with specks of glitter, and her lipstick was a deep, dark, almost-black red. "I am Deathwish! I am the darkness of night! And you cannot stop me!"
Jacklyn, was now Insectica, with a grey T-shirt with prints on the front and back. On the front, her shirt read, "Bugs are my slaves!", and on the back was an image of a cockroach. She wore light blue jeans, and her shoes were black low-top sneakers. Her lips were natural, not doused with lipstick, as the others' were. "I am Insectica! I am the apocalypse of insects, and I will crush you!"
Sarah had transformed into Lovestreak. Her pink blouse was topped with black overalls. Her shoes were cloud-white. Her lipstick was a deep, captivating ruby-red. Her nails were glistening with clear polish, and her hair was a sugary pink. "I am Lovestreak! Your heart is my toy, and your boyfriends are too! No person or thing, not even sugar, is sweeter than me!"
"And we need your energy!!" Insectica howled.
"I don't think so, Nega-trash!" Lita screamed proudly. "Because we are the defenders of love, justice, and our friends, defending against the likes of creepozoids! And that means you! On behalf of--"
"Not yet! You're supposed to use the speech after we transform!" Raye scolded.
"Oh, sorry," Lita apologized.
"Mercury, Star, Power!!" Amy shouted, holding her transformation pen in the air. Bubbles surrounded her then departed, leaving Sailor Mercury standing. "I am Sailor Mercury, and for ruining perfectly-good, healthy muffins just for some evil scheme, I will punish you!"
"Mars, Star, Power!!" Raye screamed, her pen high above her head. Flames lept from the pen, engulfing her. They died down within a few seconds, and Sailor Mars was standing triumphantly with her hand on her hip. "I am Sailor Mars, mistress of flame, and you ruined my breakfast, you Nega-creeps, so I guess I'll just have to punish you until Sailor Moon can come and make moon-dust out of you!"
"Jupiter, Star, Power!!" It was Lita's turn to transform. Bolts of electricity streaked down her, and Sailor Jupiter was left in her place, ready for battle. "I am Sailor Jupiter, and I can't think of any reason to punish you besides what my two friends just said. Oh, wait! You three are from the Negaverse, and that's a good enough reason why I will punish you, the electric way!"
"Venus, Star, Power!!" Mina transformed last. Streams of golden stars spiraled around her, exploding outward as they reached her feet, soon disappearing completely, leaving Sailor Venus to give her speech. "I am Sailor Venus! You may mistake me for a ditzy blonde, but that's your mistake! Because the V in Sailor V stands for vengance! I will avenge the doughnuts, by punishing you!"
"They're the Sailor Scouts!" Lovestreak exclaimed, dumbfounded.
"Time to stop the ovens!" Sailor Mars yelled. She extended her hands to attack. "Mars, Fire, Ignite!!" The blast of flame shot to the ovens, and they exploded, little slabs of dough flying everywhere.
"Stop them!" Deathwish cried. "They'll ruin everything!"
"Consider it done!" Insectica smashed open a tiny window. "Bees, attack!"
"Bees!" Sailor Venus cried. "I'm allergic to bee-stings!"
"Mercury, Bubbles, Blast!!" Sailor Mercury yelled. The bubbles broke and fog rose; the bees fell to the floor.
"I can't see!" Lovestreak exclaimed.
"Pain! Let her feel real pain!" Deathwish commanded.
"My entire... body... is in... pain!!" Sailor Mercury managed to say. She struggled to stand, but slumped to the floor in agony.
"Stop that! Venus, Crescent-Beam, Smash!!" Sailor Venus screamed, aiming at Deathwish.
Deathwish doubled over from Sailor Venus's attack, clutching her arm.
Sailor Mercury got up, "The pain is gone! Thanks, Venus!"
"Where's Tuxedo Mask when you need him?" Sailor Mars asked cynically.
"I'll get us out! Jupiter, Thunder, Crash!!" Sailor Jupiter shouted. The lightning hit the windows, smashing them. The shards of glass flew onto the street outside.
"Get Sailor Moon!" Sailor Venus cried to SailorMercury.
"Got it!" she pressed her communicator to talk to Serena, wherever she was.
"Serena!" Amy's voice said.
"Huh?" Serena turned her head.
"What was that?" Aurora asked.
"I've got to leave," Serena stammered.
"Don't you want to play? I'll let you use the key."
"I wish I could, but I have somthing very important to take care of!" Serena ran out of the arcade, into a dark alleyway.
"Moon, Crystal, Power!!" She opened the communicator, "Sailor Mercury?"
"Come to the bakery, now! The Negaverse is attacking, again!" came Sailor Mercury's voice from the communicator.
"Uh-huh!" Sailor Moon nodded. "I'm on my way! Stay fresh!"
"Hah-hah!" Sailor Mercury replied sarcastically.
Sailor Moon turned off her communicator and started running to the bakery, knowing she had to get there as fast as possible.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)