"Muffin Mania"
Chapter 7
Hearing a loud thump, Raye awoke and sat up in bed. "What was that?"
"Your worst nightmare... Sailor Mars!" a voice came from across Raye's room.
"Y-you know who I am?" Raye asked, frightened.
"Of course! Don't you remember lil' ol' Katsy?" Katsy stepped out of the shadows. She was still only partly visible due to the lack of light.
"What? We healed you! There's no way!"
"Yes, you did; that's true. But Rubius forgave me for my mistakes. And he offered me more power than I could imagine. And my three sisters have been transformed back to our side, too," Katsy explained, emotionless.
"Are they here?" Raye asked.
"No," she answered.
"Mars, Star, Power!!" Raye cried, holding up her transformation pen. Flames shot out of it and spiraled around her. Then they disappeared, leaving Sailor Mars standing triumphantly. "Where are they?" she demanded.
"They're capturing Serena, Mina, and Lita for Sailor Nega to transform to our sides. Actually, they already have. See their transformation pens?" Katsy held out Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, and Sailor Jupiter's transformation pens. "They'll be no use to them now!" Katsy balled her hand in a fist and let go. All three transformation pens were now dust.
"Rubius has them under control while Sailor Nega gets to them," came another voice. Raye immediately recognized it as Birtie's.
"I think we did a pretty good job, especially the prettiest one!" Avery announced, revealing herself.
"Why thank you Avery!" Prisma replied grinning.
"I meant me!" Avery shouted.
"You aren't even pretty!" Prisma insulted.
"Look who's talking!" she shot back.
"Raye, watch out! Mercury, Bubbles, Blast!!" Sailor Mercury jumped from above.
"I can't see!" Sailor Mars yelled. She darted her hands, trying to alleviate the fog.
"Let's destroy her, girls!" Birtie shouted.
"Nooo!!" Sailor Mars screamed.
"Raye, wake up! You're having a nightmare!" Luna bounced on her.
Raye sat up, "Wha...? Luna!!" Luna tumbled off her.
"I'm back!" she exclaimed, as she stood back up.
"Why'd you come here?" she asked Luna.
"It was the shortest distance from where I was, I guess. Also because this is where the next scout meeting will be, anyway, since they usually are."
"Am I still asleep?" Raye asked and yawned.
"No, you're awake!" Luna answered, smiling.
"Just to be sure, let's talk in the morning. I'm going back to sleep," Raye lay back down.
It was the next morning. Serena was sitting in her room reading comic books.
"Heehee!! Bwahaha! These are so funny!" Serena exclaimed.
"Serena! You sound like a hyena," Sammy called from downstairs.
"I do not!" Serena yelled back.
"Phone call for you!" Sammy called again.
"Coming!!" Serena ran down the stairs. "Hello?" she asked to the phone.
"Oh, hi! It's me, Amy!" came the voice from the other end.
"What is it?"
"We need to meet at the Cherry Hill Temple, now!"
"But it's Saturday!" Serena whined. "What is it?"
"Luna's back!" Amy exclaimed.
"Really?!? I'm there!" Serena hung up the phone. She grabbed her purse and started out the door.
"Where are you going?" her mother asked.
"Somewhere! Bye, Mom!" Serena answered ecstatically as she went out the door.
"Bye, Serena!" her mother called as Serena left.
Rubius and the three newest henchmen of the Negamoon were in the bakery, ready to conquer the crystal subroutine.
"Time to open!" Rubius commanded.
Sarah flipped the open sign. Of course, she looked like Sarah now. This wouldn't scare off any civilians before they had a chance to eat the dark food that Rubius and his minions had prepared.
Then a pair of friends came in. They sat themselves down at a table.
"What would you like?" Jacklyn asked in a sweet voice.
"I'd like a blueberry bagel with butter," one said.
"I'll have an orange muffin," the other chose.
Jacklyn scribbled the orders down and handed them to Kelli.
Kelli reached into the display area for cakes and cookies, and pulled out what they ordered.
The two friends started talking before their food came.
"Okay. I'll get the tickets this afternoon."
"You want me to ask my brother?"
The other bit into her muffin. She had a grin on her face, happy, until she swallowed the bite. "No. Nevermind, I'd rather go by myself. Bye!" she said sourly as she left. The other started to eat her own bagel.
Perfect! All their energy is being changed into Nega-energy, just as we planned! And when they are entirely Nega-slaves, they'll come back to be drained, Jacklyn thought maliciously.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)