"Muffin Mania"

Chapter 5

"We're closing now; Sarah, turn the sign off!" one of the twins instructed. Sarah nodded and turned the sign, so "Closed" would be seen on the outside.
"Rubius, you may change back to your regular clothes, now," the other twin scoffed, smugly.
"Actually, it's time for us to leave!" Rubius laughed full-heartedly.
"What're you talking about?" Sarah inquired.
"You'll see! Powers beyond your wildest dreams!" Rubius twirled his hand around, sticking out his index and middle fingers, which opened a portal in the middle of the room.
"What the-" Kelli stared.
"It's sucking us in!!" Jacklyn flew into the black hole.
Kelli and Sarah came in after, screaming as well.

"Let's see.. Your names aren't exactly threatening enough! I'll need to change them!" Rubius laughed.
The three girls were tied up in shackles on the wall in Rubius's base. The wall could have been made of cement, or even stainless steel. It was too dark for anyone to tell. The shackles were chained to the wall, with brown rust flaking off them constantly.
"Let us go!" Sarah wailed. Tears were streaming down her face. Sweat drops trickled from her forehead. Her sandy-blonde hair was hanging in her eyes.
"I'll brainwash you first, Sarah!" he pointed his finger at her. A small ball of energy formed at his fingertip. It grew, flying across the room and engulfing Sarah's head as she screamed in terror.
"Why are you doing this to us?!?" Kelli screamed. Her eyes were wide with terror. But she was managing to stay somewhat calm; she wasn't bawling.
"I need a few henchgirls to fight the scouts! That's why!" he laughed. "She will be... Lovestreak, with the ability to manipulate the power of love!"
"You c-can't d-do this!" Jacklyn sputtered.
"Why not?" Rubius retorted, obviously amused.
"Because Sailor Moon will stop you!" Kelli answered defiantly.
"Of course, I will be immune to all of your powers," he resumed with his monologue-of-sorts. The ball of energy spread over Sarah, enveloping her entire body. Rubius pointed his finger at Kelli. The small ball of energy started to form at his fingertip once again, growing larger. "This is my turf!" he answered Kelli. "They can't get here! Plus, I already have one scout on my side: Sailor Nega. You'll like her, once you meet her." The ball of energy shot forward, covering Kelli this time.
"There's no Sailor Nega!" Jacklyn screamed.
"I'm sure she would beg to differ!" Rubius reached over to a small panel, and pressed a button. "Aurora?"
Her voice was heard by Jacklyn, "Yes, Rubius?"
"I need you up here, transformed, now! I have someone who needs an energy draining!"
"I'm on my way."
Rubius turned the computer off. "I shall call Kelli... Deathwish! Her powers will be macabre and more show than skill, but, still, she could prove very useful."
"There's no way I can win, right? At least let me know what I'll be called and what my powers'll be before I'm brainwashed," Jacklyn sighed.
"You decide," Rubius prompted.

"Nega, Dark Stone, Power!!" Aurora pulled the Dark Stone from her pocket. Dark beams of light came out, surrounding her by spiraling up her body. A few seconds later, they spiraled down, into the Dark Stone, leaving Sailor Nega standing, clutching it and ready to transport herself to the base.

"Insectica! I'll bend insects to my will!" Jacklyn finally decided.
"Nice choice! You will be her... soon!" Rubius shot another ball of light at Jacklyn. It completely overlapped every inch of her body.
Sailor Nega appeared. "Who is it?"
"Nega, you are late!" Rubius scolded.
"I'm sorry."
"Leave now!"
"Nega, Dark Stone, Transport!!" Sailor Nega disappeared.
"The scouts don't have a chance now! The Negamoon will prevail!"

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)