"Muffin Mania"

Chapter 8

"I'm heeere!" Serena yelled as she reached the temple. She was out of breath; she had run all the way from home. Her pigtails dropped from their flight as she screeched to a halt. She tossed her bookbag across the porch and ran to Luna, who was sitting on a waist-high brick fence.
"Late, as usual," Raye grumbled, but quitely enough that Serena didn't hear.
"Luna!!" Serena picked up her returned cat and hugged her dangerously tight.
"I... can't... breathe..." Luna gasped.
"Let's start this meeting, already!" Lita complained. She tossed her hair back.
"Hey, you know what was so strange?" Amy started.
"What?" Mina asked.
"Yesterday, I found a CD in my bag. And the price tag was still on it, with the store's tag too. Later today, I'm going to stop by and return it."
"Who was the group?" Mina continued.
"It doesn't say. Well, it does, but I can't read it. Here, you look," Amy handed the CD to Mina who turned it over.
"You know, this is the same album I was looking at yesterday at that music store Lita showed me!" Mina exclaimed.
Lita stopped looking out into space, waiting for the meeting to start, and realized someone had said her name. "What?" she asked bluntly.
"What?" Mina asked back.
"What what?" Lita continued.
"What what what?" Mina answered.
Artemis sighed.
"Amy, using your mini-computer, I realized, you might be able to tune in Mina and Serena's old communicators to the same frequency as the new ones," Luna informed the girls, as she stood on the bricks.
"That just might work!" Amy exclaimed.
"I still have my old one!" Mina shouted. She pulled it out of her purse.
Everyone looked at Serena. "What?" she cried.
"Where's yours?" Luna inquired.
"Mine? It's right in my room!" Serena cried boldly.
"We'll never find it! Have you seen her bedroom floor?" Artemis asked Lita.
"Not lately," she answered.
"Well, with that mess, I'm pretty sure she hasn't seen the floor lately, either!" Artemis explained.
"I think..." Serena looked up in the sky, her finger on her cheek.
"Oh, this is ridiculous!" Luna cried. "Serena, tonight you are going to clean up your room?"
"Why?!?" Serena cried. "I don't wanna clean up my room!"
"Here we go again..." Raye mumbled.
"What did you say about me, Raye?" Serena sniffled.
"Oh, nothing, except that our totally ditzy supposed-leader is whining like a two-year-old... again!" Raye screamed.
"Did this go on when I was gone, or is it just me?" Luna asked.
"It's them," Artemis answered.
"No, it's Serena! If she'd just be mature for once!" Raye yelled.
"You are so mean!" Serena stood up, but tripped and fell on the ground. The contents of her purse spilled out on the concrete. She started crying again.
"Your old communicator!" Amy ran to Serena, and picked up her communicator.
"But I'm hurt!!" Serena continued wailing.
"Okay, let's see. Using Lita's, as well as my own, communicator to determine the wavelength that Serena and Mina's will need to be, might take a while," Amy pulled out her mini-computer. "Lita?"
"Here," Lita unstrapped her communicator from her wrist and handed it to Amy.
"Let's see..." Amy pressed a few buttons on her mini-computer, analyzing her own communicator, which she was holding underneath the top flap of her mini-computer. "Each of our communicators have a different wavelength, but all on the same freqeuncy in our newest communicators, and the same goes for our first ones, but not between the two sets."
"Huh?" Serena asked.
"You've overloaded her brain. She can't handle knowledge, you know that Amy!" Luna scolded Amy kiddingly, sighing at the same time.
Amy continued, "The different wavelengths are the same between sets, if we only consider the ratio between frequency and wavelength."
"I don't get it!" Mina admitted.
"If you don't get it now, you probably never will," Amy said. "I'll just keep explaining to those who understand, then."
"None of us do," Raye sighed.
"We do! Keep explaining!" Luna and Artemis exclaimed in unison.
"There, save the wavelength, scan Lita's... I found the frequency of the new communicators! Comparing distance between the orbits of Mercury and Jupiter. No, that doesn't work. Distance from Mercury and the sun, and Jupiter and the sun. Saving those ratios," Amy rattled on as she got the data she needed.
"Luna, Artemis, can you explain that to us in layperson's terms?" Mina asked the two cats.
"It means she's using algebra to fix your communicators, and she's more than halfway through with the data collecting," Luna explained to Mina and Serena.
"Oh," Serena and Mina both mouthed silently.
"My computer has measured distance between the orbits of the Moon and Venus, and the sun!" Amy exclaimed. "Yes! Now I just have to rewire your communicators!"
"Yes!" Serena screamed. Everybody looked at her strangely. "Sorry, I just got excited, that's all," she laughed nervously.
"To rewire them, you'll need something to rewire them with!" Luna said.
"I think if I direct the power of Mercury into my mini-computer, I can get it to correct the communicators, after I finish the script," Amy continued typing on her mini-computer.
"You're doing a play?" Serena asked.
"No, ditz-brain! A script is lines of computer code," Raye explained.
"Thank you for telling me that, but I am not a ditz-brain!" Serena maturely answered.
"I'm sorry, Serena, I didn't mean it," Raye apologized.
"I forgive you, Raye," Serena answered.
"I'm impressed," Amy said to Raye and Serena.
"At what?" they asked at the same time.
"At both of you. Serena, I'm impressed because when Raye insulted you, you acted maturely, and you accepted her apology. Raye, because, one, you apologized for insulting her, and where'd you learn some of my techno-lingo," Amy answered the two.
"Well, I've been getting on to the web every now and then at the library," Raye admitted.
"Okay, I've finished the script," Amy informed. "If I use my power to fix the communicators, it will require great energy, so I might get dizzy or pass out, but that's unlikely."
"We can't risk, that, Ames!" Serena pleaded. "What if you slip into a coma or something? Can't we all contribute to powering your mini computer? You know, it just might work!"
"That could just actually be a good idea... conceived by Serena!" Luna exclaimed mockingly. "Amy, just touch your transformation pen to your mini-computer screen. The rest of you hold onto her arm with one hand, and hold your transformation pen slash Crescent Moon Wand in the other," Luna instructed the scouts.
The scouts did as they were told. Amy pulled out her transformation pen from her shirt pocket and held it out on the mini-computer's screen. Next, Serena pulled out her Crescent Moon Wand and held it in her right hand. With her left hand, she held onto Amy's wrist.
After her, Raye and Mina pulled out their transformation pens. They stepped to the opposite side of Amy that Serena was on. They each grabbed Amy's arm with their right hands. Then Lita finished the ensemble by stepping in behind Serena.
"Everybody get ready..." Amy warned. "The computer is about to draw out our energy. Five... Four... Three... Two... One..."
They all felt the flow of energy kick in. Then, in a few seconds, it was over. But everyone remained slightly dizzy.
"The communicators are fixed!" Amy exclaimed.
"Thank a million, Amy!" Serena picked up her communicator. "But I promised to spend the day with Aurora. She doesn't have that many friends you know. She's the new kid, and not as popular as Alan and Ann when they first arrived," Serena babbled. "Well, see ya later!" Serena ran down the steps of the Cherry Hill Temple.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)