"Muffin Mania"

Chapter 9

As the scouts stepped through the door of the bakery, a bell dingled. They sat down at a circular table with four chairs.
"May I take your order?" Sarah asked the girls.
"Oh. Yeah, I'll have a blueberry muffin," Raye decided.
"I'd like one too, please" Amy agreed.
"Any doughnuts?" Mina asked.
"We have frosted, chocolate, cake, jelly, pudding, eclairs, you name it!" Sarah answered cheerfully.
"What should I get?" Lita pondered.
"A doughnut!" Mina suggested.
"No, get a muffin!" Raye disagreed.
"Get whatever you'd like to," Amy played it safe, not wanting to become embroiled in the argument.
"But I don't know what I want!" Lita whined. "This is so hard to decide!"
"There are always bagels," Amy finally chimed in, wanting Lita to decide quickly so they could get their orders.
"But doughnuts are so delicious!" Mina taunted in soothing voice. "Think of all that gooey yumminess!"
"If you want to become a blimp like Serena!" Raye mocked.
"That was mean!" Amy scolded. "She is not a blimp! But still... healthy is always good."
"Yummy, yummy!" Mina continued.
"Oh, decide already!" Sarah screamed.
"Well, excuse me!" Lita barked sarcastically, apalled by the waitress's rude outburst. "I'll just have a bagel."
"Fine!" Sarah walked off in a huff.

Serena rang Aurora's doorbell, waiting for Aurora to answer the door.
"Oh, hi!" Aurora opened the door, dressed casually.
"Wow, your place is so clean! Do you have any comics?" Serena asked.
"Um... No," Aurora answered, caught off guard by such an absurd question.
"You wanna go to the arcade?" Serena asked. "Now that you have a key and all, you don't have to worry about running out of credits."
"Of course!" Aurora agreed.

"Here's your food, girls," Sarah handed out their orders. "Two bluberry muffins, a bagel, and a box of doughnuts."
"Yum!" Mina picked up a doughnut, ready to eat.
"Stop!" Raye interrupted. Her eyes were closed, as if she were thinking hard about something.
"What is it?" Lita asked Raye.
"I'm getting bad vibes... from the food!" Raye answered.
"From the food?" Amy asked incredulously.
"Yes! Amy, try your mini-computer!" Raye commanded.
"Okay." Amy pulled out her mini-computer. "This food is energy-convertant!"
"What does that mean?" Mina inquired.
"That means that anyone who eats this food will have their energy turned into Nega-energy. Mina, if you had bitten that doughnut, you would be on the Negaverse's side now!"
"They're on to us!" Sarah exclaimed, warning her two partners.
"Huh?" Raye turned around.
"Time to close the bakery!" Jacklyn spun around, snapping her fingers. A streak of energy shot out from her hand and hit the ceiling. The door slammed shut and the window blinds melted into the windows. They were trapped; there was no way out.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)