"Muffin Mania"

Chapter 6

Luna had been in the Caves of Destiny for a long time now, but she still didn't know what she expected to find, nor what she needed to find. Sailor Nega was truly a very unexpected enemy. Who would guess that there would be a sixth scout? Not even on their side!
"I can't beleive this! I'm lost!" Luna said aloud. In the Caves of Destiny, she had been turning corners since she left Tokyo. Luna slipped on some slick mud. She shielded her eyes as she slid downhill. She felt cool air flying past her as she gained speed, and she could feel the steepness increasing. She finally slowed down and she looked around her new location. The cavern wasn't there anymore. She was back in Tokyo.
Well that was a pointless mission... But at least I got out! Luna thought to herself. She headed in the direction of the Cherry Hill Temple. She needed to talk to the scouts, since her mission had gained nothing. But she realized that Serena and Mina both still had their previous communicators, the ones they had used before the newer ones! Maybe Amy could fix them so they'd work with the others. She would voice her idea at the next meeting.

"I can't sleep tonight! I miss Luna too much. She's been gone way too long!" Serena threw the covers off herself. "I'll just go downstairs and get myself a nice, warm cup of cocoa!" She opened her bedroom door and stepped into the hallway, tiptoeing towards the kitchen.

"Checkmate!" Mina smiled. She had moved her bishop, cornering Artemis' king.
"What?" Artemis was shocked.
"What do you mean,'what'?" Mina shot an inquisitive look.
"How did you beat me?" Artemis explained.
"Amy's been giving me lessons!" she grinned.
"Don't I get lessons?" Artemis put on a pouty face.
"No," she replied flatly.

Aurora pulled the covers over herself. Then she clapped her hands to turn out the lights. She clutched the Dark Stone in her hands, as she started to drift into sleep.
All of a sudden there was a loud, annoying beeping.
Aurora sat up, startled. She got up and walked to the communication device that kept her in touch with Rubius. "What now?" she asked, clearly annoyed at his time of calling.
"Come to the base! I want you to meet your new teammates!" Rubius instructed.
"Coming," she sighed. "Nega, Dark Stone, Power!! Nega, Dark Stone, Transport!!"

"This is Sailor Nega," Rubius introduced Aurora to Deathwish, Insectica, and Lovestreak.
Both twins, Insectica and Deathwish, now had neon-green hair. But all were dressed in normal everyday clothes.
The twin formerly known as Kelli, was wearing a plaid T-shirt with black jeans and black boots. Her nails were now polished a solid black, with specks of glitter, and her lipstick was "Midnight Wine."
Insectica, who had once been Jacklyn, wore a T-shirt that read, "Bugs are my slaves!" with an image of a cockroach on the back. Her pants were just light blue-jeans, and her shoes were black low-tops, for severe contrast. She was the only one not wearing lipstick.
Lovestreak, the odd one, had previously been Sarah. She wore a short, pink blouse, overlapped with overalls. Her shoes were white, and her appearance would never make you guess she was capable of the evil of the Negamoon. Her lipstick was a ruby-red, and her nail-polish was an average shade of red. Her hair was now as pink as Rini's.
The all shook hands, before Aurora's departure, "Nega, Dark Stone, Transport!!" Sailor Nega dissappeared with a bright flash, back to her apartment.
"Where's she off to?" Deathwish complained. "Maybe I should dye my hair black... That would make me more threatening, don't you think?"
"Then we wouldn't look like twins!" Insectica argued.
"We don't even now! I'm much prettier!"
"I think I am!" Lovestreak interrupted.
"Silence!" Rubius commanded. "Now, does everyone know the plan for taking over the first crystal subrountine tomorrow?" Rubius asked the three girls.
They all nodded in agreement.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)