"Muffin Mania"
Chapter 11
"Let's get out of here!" Sailor Mercury cried and the scouts jumped through the broken picture window onto the outside street.
"After them!" Insectica commanded the other two girls. The two twins, followed by Lovestreak, jumped out the window after the scouts.
"Take that!" Sailor Jupiter punched Deathwish in the chin.
"Ouch! You little brat!" Deathwish was bleeding, "Leave! Make the injury vanish!" The entire bruise dissappeared from her chin, with no trace that she had been hit. "Try this!" she grabbed Sailor Jupiter's arm and started twisting it backwards.
"Owww!! Let go! Help! She's too strong!" Sailor Jupiter cried.
"Ladybugs, attack!!" Insectia cried.
"Get them off me!" Sailor Mars screamed as the ladybugs started to cover her entirely from head to toe.
"Super-heart!!" Lovestreak screamed.
"The beating!!" Sailor Mercury shouted over the noise of Lovestreak's attack.
"It's painful!! Stop it!!" Sailor Venus finished.
"Stop that! Leave my friends alone!" Sailor Moon shouted.
"And who are you?" Insectica asked, now that the other four scouts were all helpless.
"I am the defender of love, justice, and yummy chocolate doughnuts!" she started to drool.
"Waitaminute! We have enough energy from this place to summon a droid!" Lovestreak exclaimed.
"So get on with it!" Insectica yelled at her.
"Stop bossing me around!" she yelled back. "Droid Bagelhead, come forth!!" She held open her palm, and a ball of light, which was actually energy, formed above it. She released it, and it waited in mid-air before expanding. It grew two arms, two legs, and a head. It grew darker, a droid appearing. It had long black hair and orange eyes. She was dressed in a chef's outfit, sans fancy hat. Her shoes were as white as her clothes, and she wore a deep-red bandana around her neck. On her forehead was
a translucent, majestic-purple jewel with an upside-down crescent on it.
"No fair!" Sailor Moon cried. "There are more bad guys
than Sailor Scouts!"
"Want a doughnut? Have two!" Droid Bagelhead tossed Sailor Moon two chocalate-frosted doughnuts.
"Yum!" Sailor Moon caught them, and started drooling... again.
"Care if I help out?" Rubius appeared in midair, floating
with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Rubius!" Lovestreak and Deathwish exclaimed.
"Have some fun; we don't mind!" Insectia replied, nicely.
"Eeek!" Sailor Moon cried as the doughnuts exploded, just before she was about to bite into one of them. "Hey, no fair! Those were radioactive!"
"Energy ball!" Rubius cried, a ball of bright energy emerging in his hand. He threw it at Sailor Moon.
"Yii!!" Sailor Moon jumped out of the way and the ball blew up part of the sidewalk.
"This is so easy! How did those four sisters always mess up?" Insectia asked Rubius. "Inchworms, attack Sailor Moon!!"
"Oh, gross; Melvin could help here," Sailor Moon muttered, as
the inchworms crawled up her legs. "He loves inchworms."
"Help!" Sailor Jupiter screamed.
"The noise!" Sailor Venus and Mercury screamed in unison.
"Eww!!" Sailor Mars yelled, half-muffled by the ladybugs trying to crawl into her mouth when she opened it.
Sailor Moon continued to scream in disgust at the inchworms. "Huh?" the inchworms fell off as a rose hit one on her leg. "Tuxedo Mask?" she looked up in the sky.
"All creatures deserve to be their own selves. Just because someone only capable of evil controls them, does not make them evil! The evil is in the Negaverse! Sailor Moon, ignore those you fear, and concentrate on those you must stop!"
"Uh-huh! Moon, Tiara, Magic!!"she cried. The tiara missed Insectica, but hit the beating hearts surrounding Sailor Mercury and Sailor Venus.
"We're free!!" they announced together.
"Mercury, Bubbles, Freeze!!" Sailor Mercury aimed at the ladybugs on Sailor Mars.
"Venus, Crescent-Beam, Smash!!" Sailor Venus hit Deathwish.
Jumping back in surprise, Deathwish let go of Sailor Jupiter.
Sailor Jupiter fell to the ground moaning.
"Cookies!!" Droid Bagelhead screamed and started to spin in a circle. Then razor-sharp cookies flew from her in all directions.
"Time to fly!" Lovestreak suggested. The three Negamoon henchmen flew in the air, as to not be hit by the cookies.
"Eeek!" Sailor Moon cried. One of the cookies chopped two inches off one of her ponytails.
"Maybe this is how the four sisters always failed! That pest, Tuxedo Mask, shows up at the worst times!" Insectica pondered.
"Mars, Celestial Fire, Surround!!" Sailor Mars cried. The fire released, surrounding Droid Bagelhead from all sides and intercepting all the cookies.
"Hah!" Sailor Moon shouted, feeling triumph in Mars's victory.
"Sailor Moon, the three henchmen were once humans, just like the four sisters!" Sailor Mercury exclaimed, reading information from her mini-computer.
"Get the monster, first!" Tuxedo Mask commanded, throwing
another rose to distract the droid.
"Moon, Scepter, Elimination!!" she raised her scepter to destroy the monster. Small crescents flew out the end as she twirled it like a baton. The glowing moonbeams shot through the air, slamming into Droid Bagelhead.
"Nooo!!" the droid cried as it turned into ashes. The ashes of the monster fell to a pile in the ground, followed by the purple jewle that was on its forehead. It quickly turned grey and became dust as well. Within a second, the moondust vanished into nothing.
"Hah! Moon-dusted!!!" Sailor Moon yelled.
"No! This can't be!" Insectica exclaimed.
"The energy... We lost it when they destroyed Droid
Bagelhead!!" Rubius cried.
"No way!" Lovestreak exclaimed.
"C'mon! Let's get out of here!" Rubius commanded the three henchmen.
The three nodded and disappeared.
"Next time, scouts!" Rubius snapped his fingers and disappeared in a ball of light.
"I did it!" Sailor Moon cried.
"She-" Luna began.
"You?!? I don't think so! You'd be cookie-chow if it weren't for my celestial fire!"
"Well, I'm the princess of the moon!"
"Stop it!" Sailor Mercury tried to interrupt. "We need to know if Sailor Jupiter is all right!"
"So?!? I'm the princess of Mars, remember?!?"
"My scepter can beat your silly matches anytime, anywhere!"
"I'm okay," Sailor Jupiter moaned, crawling to her knees.
"My scepter..." Sailor Mars imitated.
"My scepter..." Sailor Moon imitated Sailor Mars' imitation.
"Oh, brother," Luna moaned, while Raye and Serena continued to argue.
"C'mon, Moon, there might be leftover doughnuts!" Sailor Venus begged, but Sailor Moon only ignored her. Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars just continued to argue.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)