"Muffin Mania"

Chapter 12

"Yes! I made it to level 98!" Aurora cried, bouncing in her stool.
"Wow, I can only make it to 54! Over seventy-million points! You're awesome, Aurora," Andrew smiled.
"Ahem, Andrew!" came Serena's voice from behind them.
"Oh, hi Serena! Hahaha!" Andrew raised his arm behind his back and laughed nervously.
"Would you like this incident to be told to Rita?" Serena accused Andrew, shaking her finger at him.
"What incident?" Andrew asked.
"You said Aurora was great!"
"Excuse me, who's Rita?" Aurora interrupted. Gee, this Andrew guy is so cute!
"She's my girlfriend. Now, Serena, I was complimenting Aurora's playing ability on the game."
"Oh! Well, I was just kidding!" Now it was Serena's turn to laugh out of embarrassment.
"Where did you go?" Aurora asked.
"Somewhere," Serena answered, daydreaming once more:

Tuxedo Mask was standing on a cloud. Serena floated over to him. "Why did you break up with me, Darien?" Serena asked.
"I'll tell you why-"
Earth to Serena!!!!!

"What?!?" she snapped out of her trance.
"I asked if you wanted to play the "Scout Versus Scout" video game."
"Oh! Sure! Who will you be? I've got dibs on Sailor Moon!"
"Okay, then I'm Sailor Mercury!" She's really easy to control... Heh-heh-heh...

"Luna, why do you suppose the Negaverse is taking over businesses now?" Amy asked Luna, since she had no other subjects at hand to talk about.
"They need them for some reason. Maybe we we'll find out someday, and we'll will be able to stop them," Luna answered.
"I hope so, Luna; I hope so."

"Rubius, I'm sorry! I messed up big time!" Insectica pleaded, kneeling in front of Rubius.
"Insectica, I don't blame you! I blame those blasted scouts! Always ruining my plans! But my next mission will be led by Sailor Nega! Anyway, after the four sisters, I learned that by blaming my henchmen I'll only lose my most valuable assets. But anyway, Sailor Nega, Lovestreak, Deathwish, and especially you, are even more valuable. Leave me alone for now," Rubius commanded.
Insectica walked through one of the doorways, smiling.

Back to Chapter 11







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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)