"Muffin Mania"
Chapter 4
"It looked like Molly got her energy drained..." Serena told herself in the bathroom. She was re-fixing her meatballs, which had fallen down while she was playing the video games. "I could tell Luna... I should. I will! Oh, wait, she's gone! And I can't tell the other scouts because they're off somewhere. Wait, they said they'd be at the Cherry Hill Temple! What if they've left?!? Hey, they might still be there! I'd better hurry!" Serena raced out, and bumped into Aurora, who was entering the bathroom.
"Ouch!" Aurora cried out, shocked.
"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you. It was an accident. Well, anyways, congratulations on beating me," Serena plastered a fake smile.
"Thank you so much! You are such a great friend! I would have expected you to be mad at me!" Aurora hugged Serena.
"Yeah, um, thanks, but I've got to, um, like, be somewhere really soon. Bye!" Serena raced out the arcade. She skipped down the sidewalk, bumping into Molly.
"That hurt!!" Serena cried. "Why am I bumping into everyone today?"
"How should I know? I feel just like I did when I was drained by that Sailor Scout, only not as drained, but the same kind of drained feeling, y'know?"
"Nevermind. I have to meet Melvin at the soda shop. He's gonna help me with my math homework!"
"Yeah, well, I need to be somewhere too! See you 'round! Bye!" Serena called as she ran, warp speed once again, towards the Cherry Hill Temple on the other side of town.
"You've gotta check out this music store, Mina!" Lita exclaimed from the doorway. Mina was sitting on a bench under a shady oak tree, slurping an ice-cream cone. Her pastel-plaid sleeveless dress appeared to have been cut uniquely for her, as it fit perfectly.
"Coming!" Mina gulped the cone down, and walked over to the music store.
"Look at this! They have all my favorite bands! Half the price of most stores too!" Lita continued.
"Cool!" Mina jumped over to where Lita was standing. As Mina flipped through the rack of CDs, Lita glanced out the window. On the sidewalk, a figure darted by. "Maybe I should get this one," Mina pondered.
"Wasn't that Serena?" Lita asked. "I think something's up! Let's catch up with her!" Lita ran out the door. "Serena!! Wait up!!" she called. It seemed that Serena didn't hear her.
"Hey! Wait for me!" Mina darted after Lita, with the CD still in hand.
"You have to pay for that!" the clerk screamed and ran after Mina. His arms swung around as he shouted.
"What about my gift certificates?!?" a punk-rock girl of about seventeen complained, running after the clerk and continuing the chain of runners.
"Serena!!" Lita called, trying to get her attention.
"Lita!!" Mina screamed.
"Give me the certificates I bought!!"
"Raye, first you divide a by x, okay?"
Raye nodded, punching a few buttons on Amy's calculator.
Amy was helping Raye with her algebra homework that was due tomorrow so that she might have a chance at doing well on the test scheduled for the same day. Maybe I should've listened in class, Raye thought.
"Hi, pretty lady!!" Grampa called from outside.
The chain of chasers had passed the Cherry Hill Temple.
Grampa started to chase after the seventeen year old girl.
"What the-" Amy began to inquire.
"Amy, I have to stop Grampa. He's harrassing some innocent girl again!" Raye ran out after Grampa. "Grampa!! Leave her alone!!"
"Raye!! That's an expensive graphing calculator!! You're going to break it!!" Amy ran out after Raye.
Serena kept on running, not aware of the mass chaos behind her. "I passed the temple!" she realized, stopping so suddenly that her shoes left skid marks on the street.
Lita and Serena had bumped into each other. They both lay sprawled on the street.
"Lita!! Whoa!!" Mina tripped over Lita's leg and fell atop Serena.
"Waah!!!" That hurt!!"
The CD in Mina's hand flew through the air, sailing back into Amy's bag without any notice from Amy.
"Yikes!!" the clerk tried to stop before running into the three girls, but slipped on some loose gravel and fell on his face.
"No!" the teen cried as she tripped over the clerk.
"Want some help up?" Grampa grabbed her hand.
"Get your hands off me!" she slapped Raye's grandfather. He lost his balance, falling on top of the sales clerk.
Raye tripped over the teen, and the calculator flew through the air, landing in Mina's hand.
"Yikes!" Amy tripped over Grampa and the clerk and sailed through the air, landing on Lita.
Serena continued to wail at full volume.
"Shut up!!" Raye snapped at her.
"Why do you have to be so mean?!?" Serena bawled.
"Caught ya!!"the clerk grabbed Mina's hand. The calculator fell off of her as he pulled her up, and landed on Serena.
"Huh?" Mina asked.
"A calculator?!? We don't sell calculators!" the clerk shouted, shocked.
"My calculator's all right!" Amy grabbed it from Serena's lap, relieved.
Serena knows Sailor Mercury! Sailor Nega exclaimed silently from a tree above, watching the whole scene.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)