"Teacher's Pets"

Chapter 1

"Are you going to the arcade after school today?" whispered Serena to Aurora. The two of them were in math class. As expected, neither of them had the slightest idea as to what the teacher was talking about.
Aurora bolted around in her seat as Serena whispered her question, obviously startled. "What?" she asked, catching her breath.
"I asked if you were going to the arcade this afternoon."
"I don't have anything else to do, so why not?"
"That's the spirit!" smiled Serena.
"Where was I?" thought Aurora. "Okay, before the arcade, I'd better check in with Rubius... It's been several weeks since our last attack. If we're ever going to beat those stupid sailor twits, we've got to attack more often... If we don't try to capture another crystal subroutine soon, I'm gonna have to monsterize random people just to relieve my boredom."

"Okay, girls, get in here!!!" yelled Rubius, who was sitting in front of a large screen displaying a map of Tokyo. He rubbed his elbow for a few seconds before once again screaming, "I said, get in here!!!"
"Every time I have good news, nobody bothers listening to me!" Rubius muttered. "That's it, I don't have time for this!" Rubius snapped his fingers, and instantly, Insectica, Lovestreak, and Deathwish appeared in the room.
"Whoa!" shouted Deathwish as she appeared, spilling an open bottle of nail polish all over her hand. "Thanks a lot, Rubius!"
"Hey!" screamed Lovestreak. She lay bare on the floor, covered by only a few bubbles. "I was in the middle of a bubble bath!" She closed her eyes for a few seconds until a pink bath towel materialized around her.
"Don't complain at me!" yelled Rubius. "I called you three several times! If you ignored me, that's not my fault!"
"Okay, I'm sorry..." muttered the girl once known as Sarah, "What do you need us for?"
"Lovestreak, it's very simple; I have located the second crystal subroutine! Now, I will need your help to capture it."
"Well, where is it?" asked Insectica.
"Before I tell you, I must warn you girls that on this mission, you will be accompanied by Sailor Nega, mainly because this subroutine is her territory... Crossroads Middle School!"
"A school?" asked Insectica.
"Don't you listen?" muttered Lovestreak, glaring at Jacklyn.
"How delicious!" exclaimed Kelli. "We get to terrorize children!"
"No, not exactly..." responded Rubius. "Don't underestimate these children; they're teenagers."
"So what's the plan, boss?" asked Lovestreak, twirling her soapy hair.
"You three will impersonate substitute teachers, and slowly drain energy from your students. Now, don't make the same mistake that you did at the bakery."
"Which was?" asked Insectica.
"When those girls discovered you, you decided to attack them. If someone accuses you, just deny it."
"But what if they tell the sailor scouts?" responded Deathwish, who had already started scrubbing her hand with nail-polish remover.
"Deny it and detain them. Keep them in the room for a little while. Call in Sailor Nega. She'll hypnotize them so they don't remember the incident. I'll fill her in on the details when she checks in this aftrenoon."
"Any other warnings?" inquired Lovestreak.
"Yes. According to Aurora, Sailor Mercury attends this school."

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)