"Teacher's Pets"
Chapter 8
Serena walked into the classroom only to be the first person in there. "Where is everybody?" she wondered aloud, then looked up at the clock to see that school wouldn't start for another twenty minutes. "At least I'm on time for once..."
Slowly, one by one, the rest of her classmates entered the classroom, visibly tired. "Wow, Molly, you sure look beat!" remarked Serena.
Molly shifted in her seat to face Serena. "Yeah, I'm so tired..." she yawned, then lowered her head onto the desk, instantly falling asleep.
Melvin then walked into the classroom, humming show tunes. "Hey, Serena!" he exclaimed, sitting down. "What's wrong with Molly?"
"She's dead-tired. In fact, everyone is; why aren't you?"
"Oh, well I was... Then I had two cafe mochas for breakfast! Now I'm as wired as, well, a computer!"
"Okay, class, let's get to work!" announced Miss Brewer as she walked into the classroom. Her entrance immediately preceded the ringing of the tardy bell. She set her briefcase onto the desk, pulling out several worksheets.
"I bet those'll drain my energy..." thought Serena, genuinely worried. "When are Raye and Mina getting here?"
Mina stood atop the roof of Crossroads Middle School, waiting for the arrival of Raye. She looked up at the bright blue sky until her thoughts were interrupted by the landing of a body next to her. She spun around to see Sailor Mars standing next to her.
"How'd you get up here?" Mina asked.
"I jumped," grinned Sailor Mars. "What are you waiting for? Transform!"
"Oh, right!" blushed Mina. "Venus, Star, Power!!" she cried, holding her transformation pen above her head. Two streams of golden stars shot out, spiraling around her until they surrounded her. Suddenly, they flew away, leaving Sailor Venus standing in Mina's place. "Which room are we going into? Serena's?"
"Yeah, we'll need Sailor Moon to stop these nega-creeps! Let's go!"
Serena stared at the worksheet, not wanting to lose her energy. Just then, the classroom door flung open, revealing Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus.
"Excuse me ladies, I'm trying to teach a class here!" yelled Miss Brewer to the two Sailor Scouts.
"Teach or leach?" countered Sailor Mars, stepping into the classroom. "You nega-creeps have been stealing these kids' energy, and we won't allow it!"
"Um, yeah! What she said!" agreed Sailor Venus.
"What are you two going to do about it?" laughed Miss Brewer maniacally. She snapped her fingers, causing her suit to disappear and reveal a tight, black vinyl outfit. Her black hair vanished, replaced with neon green. "Knife-box!!" she shouted, waving her hand. Blades then shot up from the floor and ceiling, covering all the walls.
"Ow!" screamed Sailor Venus, falling forward. One of the knives had nicked her arm, which was now bleeding.
"Mars, Fire, Ignite!!" screamed Sailor Mars, releasing a flame from her fingertips towards Deathwish. Deathwish dodged the attack, letting the fire hit the wall of blades. It bounced off of the wall as if it were a physical mirror, and headed back towards Sailor Mars, who landed on the ground, barely escaping the fire.
"Sailor Nega, I need backup!" screamed Deathwish. There was a flash of dark light, as a charcoal circle appeared in mid-air. Sailor Nega materialized before it.
"What's going on?" asked Sailor Nega as she floated onto the ground.
"We have a situation," answered Deathwish, gesturing to the two Sailor Scouts on the ground. "Could you monsterize some of these students, please?"
"My pleasure!" grinned Sailor Nega. "Nega, Dark Stone," she cried, holding up her villainous gem, "Drain!!" A dark beam shot out, split into five beams, then slapped five random students, draining them of all their energy. Everyone else was screaming, including Serena.
"Serena, we've got to get out of here!" shouted Nicholas, grabbing Serena by the arm.
"But Molly! And Melvin!" she argued.
"She's already gotten them!" shouted Nicholas, pointing at the sleeping bodies of Serena's two friends. Serena nodded and the two started running for cover behind the teacher's desk.
"It's Serena!" realized Sailor Nega. "I'll just purposely miss her!" She aimed her dark stone and screamed, "Nega, Dark Stone, Monsterize!!" Tentacles of darkness erupted from the rock, chasing after Nicholas and all of the other conscious students.
"Nicholas!!!" screamed Serena as the tentacle wrapped itself around the waist of Nicholas, pulling him away from her.
"Serena..." he moaned, falling to the floor.
"Get up!" she yelled, tugging at his arm. As she pulled on it, it contracted into his torso, completely vanishing. "What the..." His legs then pulled in as well as his head. His clothes ripped off as a gigantic orange blob expanded. It had a mouth like a leech, and needles protruding around where its waistline would have been.
"Blobbus, get those Sailor Scouts!" ordered Sailor Nega.
"Yes, Queen Nega!" it roared, oozing towards Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)