"Teacher's Pets"

Chapter 5

"You should've seen her take on that monster on level five!" Serena proudly told of Aurora's game at the arcade yesterday.
"It was nothing..." Aurora humbly responded, trying to shut up Serena.
"You should've seen Molly take on that monster in that mansion!" Melvin boasted in response.
"Serena, can we talk to you privately, please?" asked Lita as she stepped up with Amy to the group eating lunch beneath the tree, which was almost void of leaves. Surprisingly enoiugh, it was actually warm outside.
"Fine..." sighed Serena as she pushed herself up to a standing position. "I'll be right back!" she waved as Amy and Lita dragged her away.
As soon as they had gotten to a discreet location, they began. "I think we're under attack," announced Amy.
"What? I don't see Sailor Nega hitting us on the heads right now, Ames," Serena responded cynically.
"No, I'm talking about the teachers here... Have either of you two felt more tired than usual today?" she asked, sitting down.
"Well I'm always tired in the mornings... I can't tell any difference..." answered Serena.
"Yeah, I nearly fell asleep during a test in science class today..." Lita contributed.
"For instance, I actually feel asleep in algebra today, my favorite class! And I never fall asleep in any class, period!"
"But why would they attack us?" asked Serena, stuffing a muffin in her mouth.
"I'm not sure, but I'd like to take this oppurtunity to try to find the source of our energy-draining," added Amy. "Could you get out your crescent moon wand please?"
"Sure," Serena obliged, pulling it out of her purse.
"Now, your wand can sense the Negaverse's energy. So hold it out, close your eyes, and concentrate. It should lead you to the closest source of nega-energy."
Serena did as she was told. She held her arms straight out, the wand between her hands. Her foot came up, then she started to walk, getting closer and closer towards Amy. Then she stopped, and started to bend over, until her wand touched Amy's notebook.
"My notebook?" Amy wondered... She flung the container open, and the wand led itself to her homework, her algebra homework. She quickly pulled out her mini-computer and held it over her worksheets. "Oh my... these worksheets are filled with nega-energy, and they've been sucking away my energy all day!"
"You ready to attack your algebra teacher?" asked Lita, half-jokingly.
"Actually, we had a substitute today... A Miss Peters... And she was really nice too... She had pink hair... "
"I had a sub too!" exclaimed Lita... "Her name was Miss Brewer."
"No, my sub was Miss Brewer," argued Serena. "And she was mean! She gave me detention after school today just for eating in class!"
"Black hair?" asked Lita.
"How'd you know?"
"I had her second period."
"But I thought you had science second period..."
"I do..."
"I didn't have science first period..."
"So we have two Miss Brewers, both with black hair, and one Miss Peters with pink hair..." mused Amy.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Lita.
"Yep," responded Amy. "Those three nega-girls at the bakery... What were their names?"
"Insectica was one! And yeah, that makes sense! We were in the middle of studying weather patterns before our teacher got "sick", and this substitute comes in and starts teaching us about insects..."
"And Lovestreak..." added Amy.
"What was that really strong one's name again?" questioned Lita.
"I don't remember..."
"I remember," Serena said sternly, with anger glinting in her eyes. "Her name was Deathwish."

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)