"Teacher's Pets"
Chapter 15
"I think it may have," said Sailor Mars to Sailor Moon.
"Amy!!" Sailor Moon screamed running down the hallway.
"Sailor Moon! Come back!" yelled Sailor Venus, chasing after her.
"Are they alive?" asked Sailor Jupiter as Sailor Mars checked the pulse of several students.
"Yeah... But barely, though... If we don't get them out of here, the Negaverse will probably just keep them around to repeatedly drain them..."
"Well, we don't have much time..." Tuxedo Mask informed solemnly, pointing at the ceiling with his cane. The girls looked up, seeing that the ceiling was taking on a lustrously reddish hue.
"What's-" Sailor Jupiter stopped as a red tendril ejected from the ceiling, striking the floor and attaching itself there. The three stepped back, wary of what it might be. Instantly, it started growing crystals until it had grown to the size of an extremely wide pillar.
Sailor Mars reached forward, touched it, and shouting in surprise as a spark erupted from her finger. She jerked back, but her finger was stuck. "Help..." she whispered as her eyelids starting flailing wildy; she was obviously struggling to stay awake.
"It's draining her energy!" shouted Tuxedo Mask as he pulled Sailor Mars with all her might from the pillar, but to no success. He drew out a rose and threw it like a dart at the pillar, missing Sailor Mars by a millimeter. Another spark erupted from the crystal and Sailor Mars fell to the ground.
Sailor Jupiter walked around the pillar slowly. "Hey, I can see you guys through it!" she announced, then screamed as a body appeared, falling from the floor above.
"They must be containment units..." said Tuxedo Mask. "And we don't have much time before we're in there, too," He motioned to the walls, which were almost completely the crystalline substance. Then, silently and quickly, the walls vanished, pulled into the ceiling.
"What the..." mumbled Sailor Jupiter.
"Amy!!" screamed Sailor Moon as the walls flew up and she saw Sailor Mercury sleeping on the ground next to a desk. She ran over and picked up her friend. She could hear her breathing; Amy was alive.
"We've got to get out of here!" exclaimed Sailor Venus as several tendrils attached around the three.
"Let's go!" she shouted, dragging Sailor Mercury's inanimate body along with her. Sailor Venus stepped around and helped to carry her.
"You got her?" asked Sailor Jupiter as she and Tuxedo Mask arrived with Sailor Mars asleep in his arms.
"What happened?" asked Sailor Venus.
"Later. We've got to get out of here. Now." Tuxedo Mask turned around. "Where'd the stairs go?"
Sailor Jupiter looked around as plenty of tendrils appeared, attaching themselves to the unconscious on the floor, who were within seconds sucked into forming pillars as well.
"Sailor Moon, do you think you can do that new thing you did again?" asked Sailor Venus, looking at Sailor Moon.
"What new thing?" asked Sailor Jupiter.
"She teleported us. Like we all did when we fought Queen Beryl, but she did it all by herself!"
"Wow, neat!" exclaimed Sailor Jupiter.
"We don't have time to gossip, girls."
"Sorry," the three girls mumbled together.
"Sailor Moon is really low on energy, but maybe if you guys helped her out... She could do it again."
"Maybe..." pondered Sailor Moon. "Let's do it. You help too, Dar-, er, Tuxedo Mask, okay?"
"Of course," he smiled.
Sailor Moon closed her eyes, remembering the wings. Suddenly, feathered wings formed on either side of her. "Moon, Feather, Transportation!!" she cried, the feathers dispersing and circling the group.
Sailor Venus, Tuxedo Mask, and Sailor Jupiter closed their eyes and picturing their energy flowing into Sailor Moon. A bright light expanded around them, holding them in a cylinder of pure, white light, before they appeared in Darien's apartment.
Nicholas woke up suddenly. Where was he? He looked around. He didn't know whose bed he was lying on. He stretched, then realized he was naked! Where were his clothes...? The last thing he remembered, some Sailor Scout was attacking him and Serena. Wait, he remembered someone telling him to get dressed. That was good enough for him. He grabbed some clothes beside him and put them on. Wondering where he was, he stepped out of the bedroom.
"So the Negaverse has the school..." Serena said, setting her cup of green tea on the table.
"And all those people..." whispered Mina.
"And it's all our fault," said Lita. "We could have saved them! But we just didn't do it right!"
"You girls did all that you could... Don't blame yourselves... The Negamoon probably planned this out very well. All that you can do now is wait and stop their next move."
"We could attack them now that we know where they are!" Sailor Jupiter shouted.
"It's too dangerous! We barely got out of that new fortress! Do you really think we could take it down?" asked Darien.
"Probably not..."
"So when are they going to wake up?" asked Mina, pointing to Amy and Raye, who were snoring loudly on a nearby loveseat.
"Who knows... At least we didn't have to take them the hospital or anything," smiled Serena.
"Wait," asked Mina, "are we fighting the Negaverse, or are we fighting the Negamoon?"
"Both," answered Darien. "They're the next generation of evil from the Negaverse, but they call themselves the Negamoon."
"And how do you know all this? Including that Sailor Nega's monsters are called nega-slaves?" added Mina.
"I just do," he answered, sipping his tea. "Whenever I'm Tuxedo Mask, I have flashes in the back of my mind, like a sixth sense. I just know things, and I don't know how I know them."
"Like how you always know when we're in trouble!" exclaimed Serena excitedly.
"Yes. But more specifically, you. I've never sensed when you other Sailor Scouts are in trouble. Only Serena. And when I do, it's usually while I'm me... And then I become Tuxedo Mask. I've managed to get better at controlling it; I don't want to transform in front of a crowd of people, you know."
Serena looked at him on this remark. "So... I'm the one..."
"Please, Serena. We're over. Accept it. Please."
"I have..." Serena took an obviously-fake mature tone of voice and drank her tea.
Just then, the den door creaked open and Nicholas stepped through. "Serena? You're okay?"
"Looks like you finally got some clothes on, kid," joked Darien. "have some tea."
Nicholas blushed and sat down, accepting the green tea.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)