"Teacher's Pets"

Chapter 14

Sailor Moon screamed once again, almnost falling asleep in the midst of her thunderous screech. She got ready to try once again, pulling off her tiara and saying, "Moon, Tiara, Magic!!" Nothing happened. She was just too tired. She helplessly pounded her fists against the window until it cracked opened.
Sailor Moon opened her eyes in full surprise, and a little pain. A shard or two had cut her hand, which was now barely bleeding, but she saw Tuxedo Mask standing on the other side of the window frame, cane in hand. He stepped through.
"We've got to get out of here!" she cried.
"Your friends are counting on you, Sailor Moon. You've got to get them out of here. It's too late to save the school, but you can save your friends."
"But I'm too tired..." she whined.
"That's why I brought this!" Tuxedo Mask smiled as he presented a chocolate candy bar for Sailor Moon.
"Oh, thank you!" she cried, grabbing the candy and unwrapping it voraciously, stuffing the entire hunk of cocoa into her mouth.
"While you finish that," Tuxedo Mask threw a red rose at the ants, which all stopped suddenly, as if frozen in place.
"Let me try again," Sailor Moon smiled, showing her chocolate-stained teeth. Tuxedo Mask turned his head in disgust. "Moon, Scepter, Elimination!!" she cried, her scepter actually glowing, crescent moons catapulting from her scepter onto the fire ants on the gorund, which all evaporated into moondust.
The two stepped through the doorway, looking at Insectica calmly and sternly.
"I see you two lovebird defeated my ants! But what about my... uncles!" she cried, smashing her fist into a nearby wall. "Wait... there aren't bugs called uncles... Let me try that-"
"Stop!" yelled Sailor Moon, flashing her not-too-pearly whites. Insectica looked away in disgust, just as Tuxedo Mask had. "It's not your fault!"
"What are you talking about?!?"
"That you were brainwashed by the Negaverse!"
"Umm... Okay... Whatever. The point is, I'm here to save you from your wicked-"
"Duck!" cried Tuxedo Mask as Insectica spit at Sailor Moon. She did so, the glob hitting a student pounding on the block of ice before expanding into a gigantic spider web, enveloping all of the doting humans trying to help their beloved Insectica.
"That's it! Moon, Healing, Activation!!" she yelled, her Crescent Moon Wand aimed at Insectica.
Light encircled Insectica, who jumped to the side, avoiding the healing. "I will not return to that weak mortal form!" she cried, vanishing.
"Time to get your friends," said Tuxedo Mask solemnly.

Rubius walked on the solid, scarlet floor, his steps echoing through the floor. The ceiling was now formed of jagged ruby crystals, hanging like stalactites. He waved his hand, and all the walls of the classrooms sunk into the floor, showing all the drained and unescaped students. Several teachers screamed in fright, and looked for a way to run away. The students jumped out of their seats, running to the far walls, which were also smoothly solid, like some red obsidian. There were no longer any stairs.
He saw one room still standing, appearing to be solid metal. Rubius waved his arm once more, causing it to melt into the ground, its energy being absorbed into this gigantic Negamoon structure. Inside stood Deathwish and several nega-slaves.
"Rubius!" shouted Deathwish excitedly.
"What's with all these droids?" he demanded, pointing at the monster accompanying her.
"No, they're nega-slaves. Sailor Nega helped me out. Then she went to catch more kids somewhere else.
"Oh, well, in that case, catch all these humans and incarcerate them."
"My pleasure," she laughed evilly.

"Oh no, she's coming this way!" screamed Sailor Venus.
"Screaming isn't going to help. So shut up."
"I'm sorry I'm not as uncaring as you!" yelled Sailor Venus back at Sailor Mars.
"Sailor Moon!" yelled Jupiter, seeing Sailor Moon run up the steps.
"Help us!" yelled Sailor Venus. "Use your tiara!"
Sailor Moon nodded. "Moon, Tiara, Magic!!" Her tiara flew and swerved around the Sailor Scouts, cutting the cobweb, which entirely evaporated from the slicing.
"It's coming this way!" shouted Sailor Jupiter pointing at the monster walking slowly down the hallway towards them.
"Is it a droid or a nega-slave?" asked Tuxedo Mask as he stepped in behind Sailor Moon.
"What's a nega-slave?"
"Oh, those monsters that Sailor Nega makes out of humans."
"We don't know!" screamed Sailor Venus.
"Jupiter, Thundercrash, Zap!!" Sailor Jupiter cried, lightning flying from the antenna on her head and spinning in circles before hitting the arms of Tornadia, its turbines sparking and shutting down.
"Noo!" it screamed. "I'll get you for this!" it shouted, running off into the distance.
"We need Sailor Mercury to tell us if it's a droid or nega-slave," said Sailor Mars. "Does anyone know where Sailor Mercury is?"
"She was getting students out of here, like I was," said Sailor Jupiter solemnly. "You don't think anything happened..."
"Seeing how something almost did to the rest of us, I'd say that's a pretty good possibility," answered Sailor Mars.
"Sounds like a pretty bad possibility to me..." Sailor Mars shot Sailor Jupiter a glare. "Sorry."
"Wait! Sailor Mercury said she was on the second floor being attacked by a droid! That must have been the droid!" Sailor Moon announced. "Oh no! What if it got-" she stopped suddenly as the group saw the massacre of drained bodies lying in the hallway.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)