"Teacher's Pets"
Chapter 7
"Serena, you actually woke up on time today!" Sammy yelled, feigning shock.
"Haha, very funny, Sammy." Serena grabbed a glass of orange juice and quickly gulped it down. "We have a sub today, and she's like way, so I've got to be on time today! Bye everyone!" Serena yelled as she rushed out the front door, waving.
"Your books, Serena!" her parents screamed in unison.
"What?" asked Serena popping her head back in the front doorway.
"You forgot your books," aided her father, pointing at Serena's stuff beside the couch.
"Oh, thanks," Serena said, laughing. She then grabbed her books and quickly exited her house.
"Raye, time to get up!" yelled Raye's grandfather, peeping his head through her bedroom door.
"I don't feel so good, Grampa," moaned Raye, turning over in her bedding. "Mars, Fireballs, Charge!! Warm me up!!" she silently chanted.
"Are you sick?" asked Grampa concerned. He put his hand on Raye forehead, then cried, "You're burning up! No way are you going to school today, young lady!"
"Okay, Grampa..."
"Well, I can't finish this homework... But if I don't do it my average won't be a 100 anymore..." Amy pondered, staring at the worksheets before her. "But if I don't hurry up, I'll be late for school. I guess I'd better leave..."
Amy grabbed the worksheet, crumpled it up, and threw it away. She then started getting dressed for school.
Lita quickly turned around as the egg timer went off. She pulled the pan out of the oven, setting it to cool. She glanced at the nearby clock. "Whoa, I've got to be at school in thirty minutes! I'd better finish breakfast soon!" She grabbed a butter knife and a jar of preserves from refrigerator. She wildly spun open the cap, dipped the knife in, and turned around, the knife slapping the preserves onto the waffles which popped out of the toaster.
Hurriedly, she used a spatula to slide her eggs onto a plate. She wolfed down her waffles and eggs even faster than Serena ever had. Taking one last swig of orange juice, she scooped up her books and headed out the front door, slamming it shut behind her.
Mina looked up at the gorgeous skiers before her. "Now let me show you the right way to stand," she said to the three men, continuing her ski lessons. One of them opened his mouth to respond, but instead, a loud shrill came out of his mouth. She backed away, tripping over her skis, and rolling down the hill. Snow was falling all around her. All she could see was white. But at least the snow was muffling out the new skier's scream. She pushed at the snow, lifting it above her head.
Crawling out from under the white sheets, she blindly smacked at her alarm clock, sending it sprawling across the room. Halfway across the floor, the cord was yanked out of the socket, turning the sonorous machine off.
"Mina, time to wake up..." her mother melodically said, stepping into the room.
"Mom, I don't feel so well..." she muttered, making an act of attempted to stand up, but falling back onto her sheets.
"Oh, poor dear... You can stay home from school... But you've got to make your own breakfast. I'm late for work," she responded, smiling. She then stepped out of the room closing the door behind her.
"Wow, that worked well," said Artemis, coming in through the window.
"Yeah, but I'd better hurry up and get dressed if we're gonna get to Serena's school on time! Is everything else going according to plan?"
"Yep. Serena even got up on time today! It looks like we can stop the Negaverse's plan very easily this time."
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)