"Teacher's Pets"

Chapter 6

"So we're agreed? We shut down this pseudo-teacher's gig after-school today?" asked Amy, looking at the other two scouts.
"When does Mina's lunch break start?" asked Serena. "And for that matter, Raye, too... If we're dealing with all three of these creeps again, we're gonna need all the help we can get!"
"Mina's starts right now..." answered Lita, glancing at her watch. "I don't know about Raye's... Amy?"
"Um, let me check..." Amy pressed a few buttons on her mini-computer, then announced to the others, "Five minutes ago."
"Let's go ahead and contact them, then," added Lita. She pulled out her communicator, and pressed a button to contact Sailor Mars.
"Yeah?" came Raye's voice sounding annoyed.
"The Negaverse's next plot is under way," announced Lita into her communicator.
"Where?" asked Raye.
"At our school."
"But why would they do that...?" pondered Raye, obviously puzzled.
"We don't know... But this gig is being run by the same three creeps from the bakery... After school today, we're going to shut them down, and we'll need all the back-up we can get!"
"I'll meet you in front immediately after school," answered Raye. "I'll contact Mina too, so that she can meet up with us. These nega-creeps are going down!"

"Sorry I'm late!" panted Mina as she jogged up the steps. She looked around. None of the other scouts were there. In fact, the place was deserted. She swiveled her head frantically, baffled. "Guys?" she whispered. Maybe the Negaverse got them... she thought. Suddenly, a loud bell rang, and teenagers fled out of the front doors. She screamed as she fell to the ground, feet stomping all around her.
"Are you okay?" shouted one boy, as he grabbed her hand and pulled her up.
"Thanks," she smiled as she allowed herself to be pulled to her feet, bodies running past her on all sides. The boy had very, very dark blue hair and teal eyes. "Yeah I'm fine," she added, realizing that he had asked her a question.
"Nice to meet you, um..."
"Mina," she smiled. "And you're..."
"Oh, I'm Nicholas," he smiled, still holding her hand. He looked down, realized that he was, and quickly let go. "Iv'e got to get home," he quickly said, and ran off...
She looked around and realized that the exiting group of students was now barely even walking, most slouched over, almost asleep.
"Mina!" exclaimed Serena as she bounded out to the steps. She quickly explained the entire situation as the other three scouts arrived at the meeting place.
"Everybody ready?" asked Amy, clutching her transformation pen in her pocket. The others nodded, and they all headed to the Miss Brewer's classroom.

"All right, nega-creep! The jig is up!" cried Raye as she kicked the door open. "Nega-creep? It's safe; there's no one here..."
"So thhey left immediately after school let out?" pondered Lita.
"It appears so," responded Amy, taking careful observations around the room.
"So what do we do now?" asked Serena.
"Well we obviosuly can't get to them after school," added Mina.
"So we have to attack them during school!" realized Serena.
"We can't do that!" Amy interjected. "If we cut class, then the sailor scouts show up, and our secret identities are blown! Either you or Raye," she nodded toward Mina, "will have to attack during the school day tomorrow."
"We'll have a better chance with both of us, Raye."
"Yeah," Raye agreed with Mina, "and once the attack goes under way, and people start escaping, you three can transform and help us out!"
"Good! We need to stop these creeps from stealing these kids' energy as soon as possible!" said Serena.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)