"Teacher's Pets"

Chapter 11

Lita, sitting in her desk, heard shouting in the hallway. I wonder what's going on... Probably the attack is underway... She raised her hand then to get permission to go to the bathroom.
"Yes, Lita?" her teacher asked just as the classroom door was flung wide open.
Standing in the doorway was Sailor Mercury. "The Negaverse is attacking! Everyone out! Now!" she commanded. The entire classroom population took the orders without reservation, filing for the door as quickly as possible. Lita tried to stay unnoticed as her fellow students and the teacher escaped the room.
"Lita, you want to help me?" smiled Sailor Mercury.
"Of course I do!" replied Lita, grabbing her transformation pen and standing up. "Jupiter, Star," she cried, "Power!!" Bolts of electricity flung from the pen, encircling Lita in a sphere of flashing lights and energy. One final burst of light came from the ball, dissipating the electricity and leaving Sailor Jupiter standing beside the desk. "Let's go!"

Sailor Venus woke up suddenly, seeing nothing but grey. She pushed herself on the side, realizing that she was face-down on concrete. She noticed that Blobbus was still attached to her heels. She kicked them off, and rose to a barefoot standing position on the sidewalk. "Guys, wake up," she whispered, leaning over and shaking Sailor Mars by the shoulders.
"What?" Sailor Mars looked at Sailor Venus, opening her eyes. "What happened?"
"I think Serena transported us out of that room somehow..."
"Well wake her up to heal this monster!"
"It's already waking up!" Sailor Venus cried, pointing at the stirring goo on the ground. "Venus, Crescent Beam, Smash!!" she yelled aiming her crescent beam at the creature. It hit Blobbus dead center, knocking it across the pavement.
"Sailor Moon!" Sailor Mars slapped her on the shoulder. "Wake up!"
"Stop hitting me, Raye!" Sailor Moon cried, waking up. She then slapped Sailor Mars in retalliation on the shoulder.
"I was trying to wake you up!" Sailor Mars slapped her back.
"Stop!" Sailor Moon returned the favor.
"Stop it you two!" shouted Sailor Venus. "That thing has my designer heels!"
"What do you want me to do? Heal it?"
"Ha, ha, ha," Sailor Mars rolled her eyes in sarcasm.
"Yes!" Sailor Venus said as the blob started to grow in height and moving toward the three Sailor Scouts.
Sailor Moon grabbed her Crescent Moon Wand and yelled, "Moon, Healing, Activation!!" Streams of bright light propelled from the wand, encircling Blobbus. The disproportioned figure returned to a human shape as the Nicholas's features returned to his face. As he continued to be healed, the Sailor Scouts realized what was happening. "Nicholas! He's naked!" shouted Sailor Moon. "Somebody cover him up!"
"With what?" asked Sailor Mars.
"I don't know. Just... something!"
"Well we can't just leave him here, sleeping naked!" shouted Sailor Venus.
"Well do we have any clothing-making powers?" asked Sailor Mars.
"No..." muttered Sailor Venus.
"Then I guess we have no choice but to leave him here naked!"
"We could take him inside or something..." offered Sailor Moon.
"I'm not carrying him!" yelled Sailor Mars.

Darien stood in the restroom stall, leaning against the wall. he had felt for sometime that Sailor Moon was in trouble, but it had taken him forever to escape a conversation with a fellow tutor in the faculty lounge. He had run into the bathroom as quickly as possible. Now that his privacy was secured, he let go of himself, allowing his powers to take over. Flashes of roses and the destruction of the Moon Kingdom went through his mind, as his breath quickened with weakness.
In a few moments he was Tuxedo Mask. He opened the door and ran out of the bathroom. He could sense the direction Sailor Moon was in, and he hurried to get there.

The students stopped in the hallway, forced to a halt by a chain of other students strung from one end of the corridor to the other.
"What's your problem?" yelled one teacher. "Monsters are in this school!"
"That's right. Aren't they pretty?" the seven boys replied in unison, smiling.
Lovestreak stepped out from a doorway, placing herself behind the boys. "They love me! They really love me!" she screamed, opening her palm towards the escapees. Pink, etheral bullets flew from her hand, hitting several people. The immediately kneeled to the ground, bowing reverence to Lovestreak.
"What's going on here?" asked Sailor Jupiter walking up behind the people trying to flee from the school.
Lovestreak opened her mouth, as if to say something, but instead shot more pink bullets in Sailor Jupiter's direction.
She dodged to the side, missing the transluscent dots. "Break through the line! Go!" screamed Sailor Jupiter at the teachers and students. "Jupiter, Thunder, Crash!!" she yelled, a bolt of lightning flying from her antenna to Lovestreak hitting her in the hair.
Lovestreak fell to the floor with that attack and screamed as several scores of people trampled over her.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)