"Teacher's Pets"
Chapter 13
The wall caved in, pieces of plaster and wood flying across the room. Sailor Mercury screamed and Droid Tornadia stepped in through the hole. "Oh, by the way, the name's Droid Tornadia," she said, aiming her left turbine at Sailor Mercury. "And in case you're wondering what my left one does, just watch!" The turbine switched on, sucking the energy from Sailor Mercury, who, despite her attempts to crawl away, fell asleep on the ground.
"She's asleep! How cute!" the droid laughed, continuing to suck the energy from the Sailor Scout, not planning to stop until all of her energy was taken, so that the Negamoon could be rid of her forever.
Rubius appeared suddenly. "What are you doing?" he admonished the droid.
"Draining her energy!" answered Tornadia triumphantly.
"Well hurry up and get those kids in the hallway! That fog won't last forever, and you've got the easiest chance to drain them now! You can come back to Sailor Mercury later! She isn't going anywhere!"
"Of course," the droid understood, and walked into the hallway, left turbine still powered and spinning.
Rubius stood on the top floor of the school, smiling. He had just teleported himself from Sailor Mercury's location. Everything was going better than according to plan. Sure, a few minions here and there were lost, but it was still far fewer than the human captures and energy-drainings. He felt the energy flow through his veins, coming up from his feet. Not only have his henchgirls stolen immense amounts of energy from these mortals and Sailor Scouts, but those that were left to be drained were many, and plenty of them were unable to escape.
He laughed and took a step forward, to the exact center of the campus. He opened his hand and dropped a ball of black matter onto the floor. As it fell it looked like a miniature black hole, no light reflecting from it, nor eminating through it. It seemed to absorb all the luster that came near it. The moment it hit the ground, a loud cracking sound boomed from the ball's location. Rubius stared at it, murmering an arcane phrase sveral times until the ball seemed to shed its absorbing skin, which fell to its sides and immediately crumpled into dust, evaporating from existence.
The shedding revealed a lustrous red jewel, almost looking like a ruby, except for the black specks that seemed to be patterened throughout it. On the top, it sported a black crescent moon, facing upside down, almost identical to those on the foreheads of the Negamoon's population.
Rubius smiled as the ruby extended several crimson tendrils in every direction, attaching themselves to the walls. Then, like water being frozen, each tendril began to crystallize, growing in both size and jaggedness.
"Soon, this crystal subroutine will belong to the Negamoon. Our first victory! The Wiseman will be so pleased!"
Tuxedo Mask laid the boy on his bed and quickly pulled a pair of pants and a shirt from his closet. He put them next to the child as Nicholas started to awaken.
"Ung..." he mumbled, seeing a blur of black in front of him.
"Get dressed. I'll be back." Tuxedo Mask stepped through the window, rushing to return to the school as soon as possible.
Sailor Moon looked at the door helplessly from across the classroom as ants starting spilling in from under it. She grabbed a fire extinguisher from the wall and started spraying the ants, freezing some of them, but others continued toward her, undaunted by the extinguisher.
She picked up a math text book and looked at it. She had never liked math anyway, so she thre the book at the ants, smashing several of them.
Sailor Moon had no idea what to do. She felt so weak from all of the power that she had used so far. She felt ready to give up and go to sleep. "No. I can't give up. I'm Sailor Moon! I never give up! Everybody's depending on me! I gotta run away!" She ran to the window and realized it didn't open!
"I can break it open with the fire-" she looked at the extinguisher across the room, which was no covered in fire ants.
"Venus, Crescent Beam, Smash!!" Sailor Venus cried trying to aim her fingers in the direction of the spider web. She barely hit it, the majority of her attack hitting the ceiling above them, plaster and dry wall falling down on the scouts. The portion of tyhe web that was hit only shook slightly. They coughed, and Sailor Venus said, "That didn't work."
"Duh," remarked Sailor Mars.
"We've tried everything!" yelled Sailor Jupiter.
"What cuts through this stuff?"
"Her tiara!" shouted Sailor Venus. "Sailor Moon's tiara! That's our way out of this thing!"
"Can anyone reach their communicator?" Sailor Jupiter sighed.
Droid Tornadia stepped into the hallway aiming her turbine at the fog. As the fog dispersed the droid saw that she had managed to suck the energy of every single human in the hallway. Tornadia didn't want to suck them dry, like she did Sailor Mercury, of course. These humans could be put in cages and used as food for the Negamoon. Oh, how useful these mortals could be...
The droid looked at the end of the hallway and saw three Sailor Scouts trapped in one of Insectica's webs. The droid laughed and headed for them, its captured energy flowing out of it and towards the ruby on the top floor.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)