"Teacher's Pets"
Chapter 3
There was a knocking at the front door. Miss Haruna, still half-asleep, sat up in her bed to the infernal racket. "Who is it?!?" yelled Miss Haruna as she rolled out of her bed and raced for the front door of her apartment. She swung open the door, to see nobody there. "Stupid pranksters," she grumbled as she started to close the door. However, in mid-swing, a powerful force hit the door, knocking her onto the floor.
"How'd you like to take the day off, Miss H.?" came a girl's voice from behind the door.
"Wha-what do you want?" stammered the teacher as she scrambled to get up. The door swung all the way open, and a dark figure stood in the doorway. As her eyes adjusted, Miss Haruna saw that it was a Sailor Scout.
"I want you to have a vacation! Oh, by the way, let me introduce myself... I'm Sailor Nega, scout of the Negaverse! Nega, Dark Stone, Hypnotize!!!" Sailor Nega aimed her Dark Stone at Miss Haruna, who tried to move out of the path of the blast of darkness, but failed. "Now, call the school, and take the day off. Tell them you're sick..."
Miss Haruna walked to her phone and did so. "Hi, this is Miss Haruna... I'm sick," she coughed, "and I can't come to school today... Okay, thank you..." She hung up.
"Now go party all day," Sailor Nega instructed with a smirk. "But you will forget all about me, understood?"
"Where's Miss H.?" whined Serena. "I was actually on time for once! Oh well, I might as well eat!" She pulled out her lunchbox and started to inhale the rice, while her classmates watched in amazement.
Suddenly, the classroom door slammed open, and in walked a woman with jet-black hair and glasses. She was dressed in a black suit, and carried a small briefcase by her side. When she reached her desk, she announced, "Class, Miss Haruna is out ill today, so I will be substituting your class. You may call me Miss Brewer." She turned around, her gaze falling directly on Serena. "And what is that food doing in my classroom?!?" she demanded, her fist falling on her desk with a heavy thud.
"I wu-ungee!" mumbled Serena, rice falling out of her mouth and onto her desk.
"You have detention after school, young lady!" yelled the teacher.
"Hello, class. I'll be your substitute teacher for today," smiled the woman dressed in a red suit with black pinstripes. Her pink hair was up in a bun, and she wore flamingo-pink lipstick outlining her mouth perfectly. "My name is Miss Peterson, but you may call me Sarah if you like."
Amy looked around, as almost all the boys in her class were panting.
"I'll need you to do these few worksheets your teacher assigned, please," the substitute added, sitting down at her desk. She pulled a seating chart from a drawer in the desk, and asked, "Toji, can you pass these out, please?"
"Sure thing!" cried Toji as he stood up and grabbed the worksheets from the desk.
Amy got the worksheets in a few seconds, and starting working on the first problem. "Let's see... the square root of 46,225... 215. Multiply that by seven x..." Amy yawned as she continued the worksheet, but she was involved in it, she didn't notice that the rest of the class was also yawning...
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)