"Teacher's Pets"

Chapter 9

Her communicator beeped. She was in the middle of a test; she couldn't answer it now. She pressed a button on the side forcing it to shut off. Amy stared at the problems on the test, her eyelids getting heavy. "Wait! What am I doing? This test is evil!" Amy realized, her eyes fluttering to stay open, as she scooted her chair back away from the test.
"Is something wrong, Miss Mizuno?" asked Ms. Peterson, looking at Amy inquisitively.
"No, I just... May I go to the bathroom please?"
"When you complete your test," she replied sweetly.
"But I need to go now!" demanded Amy.
"Lovestreak, Insectica, we have a battle going on in Deathwish's room. We've got two Sailor Scouts in there! Luckily, Sailor Nega has drained the energy of most of the kids and the rest have been turned into nega-slaves." came Rubius's thoughts from somwhere into Lovestreak's head.
Suddenly, Amy's communicator erupted into another beeping. She slapped her right hand onto her left wrist shutting off the noise.
"And what is that?" asked Lovestreak, knowing full well what it meant. She had seen that device when she had worked at the bakery. And on this girl, too. She was a Sailor Scout. Which one, she couldn't quite remember, but that didn't make a difference.
"I need to go the bathroom. I can't hold it much longer..." she whined. "I have to go. If you won't let me, too bad. I'm going." she said flatly. Amy turned around and headed for the door of the classroom.
"You're not going anywhere, young lady!" screamed Sarah, her hair rising from the position gravity had put it in. A bright pink aura surrounded her, as she raised her clenched fist into the air. "Boys, stop her!" she yelled, as streams of pink light flew from her fingers into the eyes of all of Amy's classmates. At once, all the students stood from their desks and started walking toward Amy.
Amy gasped and headed for the door, which instantly slammed shut. She grabbed at the knob, but to no success.
"You're not going anywhere, Sailor Scout!" screamed Sarah Peterson, her hair flying wildly.
"Well, since you know who I am," smiled Amy, "and it seems these boys are hypnotized, I guess I have no choice but to fight. Mercury, Star, Power!!" Bubbles flew out from her transformation pen, which she was now holding high above her head. They surrounded her in an instant, then evaporated, with Sailor Mercury standing by the doorway of the room. She hit the communicator. "What is it? I'm in a battle right now!"
"Sailor Mercury," came Serena's voice. "Could you help us please? There are tons of nega-creeps up here!"
"In a moment! Mercury, Bubbles, Blast!!" Sailor Mercury screams, opening her palms to the onslaught of boys before her. Bubbles flew out, fogging up the entire classroom. "I always wished the boys would chase me," shouted Sailor Mercury to Lovestreak. "I guess I'd better be careful what I wish for, right? Bye!"
"Get her!" screamed Lovestreak.
The Sailor Scout turned to the door and kicked it down, running into the hallway. She then ran to the next classroom, flinging open the door. "The Negaverse is attacking the school! Everyone out now!" She screamed as she ran to tell the next class.

Insectica heard the information that Rubius had told her. "Class, listen up," she announced, getting everybody's attention. "I have a little matter to attend to... So, please stay in the class," she smiled as she opened the door. "Because if you try to leave," she stomped her foot into the floor, smashing the tiling of the science classroom, "the scorpions will get you." As she said this, at least twenty scorpions filed out of the hole in the floor and lined up around the doorway. She then opened her mouth and spat at the doorframe, stepping into the corridor. She then spat onto the other side. Suddenly, both globs of saliva erupted into cobwebs, wrapping themselves all over the only exit of the room. As she walked down the hallway, she smiled at the sound of several students screaming in terror.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)