"Teacher's Pets"

Chapter 12

"Tuxedo Mask!" shouted Sailor Moon as her hero stepped through the front door of the school, several yards away.
Tuxedo Mask stopped short as he saw Nicholas lying on the ground. "Umm... What happened?" he asked warily.
"We healed him... But his clothes weren't part of the package..."
"And we're not picking him up and taking him inside!" said Sailor Mars.
"I think my cape will cover him..." Tuxedo Mask said as he undid his accessory and covered the boy. He picked Nicholas up and wrapped him in the cape. "I'll take him to my apartment... I think I've got something that should fi-" he stopped as the front doors slammed open and people fled out, screaming.
"What's going on?" asked Tuxedo Mask to the three Sailor Scouts after looking at the disruption.
"The Negaverse is attacking the school." Sailor Venus answered, "So, I guess we'd better go back in there and stop them, right, girls?"
The two others nodded in agreement, all three ran to the nearest door that wasn't spewing humans, and Tuxedo Mask, carrying Nicholas, jumped off into the distance.

"The Negaverse is attacking! Everyone out, now!" shouted Sailor Mercury, flinging open the door. "This school sure is big..." she thought to herself, as she spun around to repeat the process on the next classroom.
As she opened the door and repeated the same emergency phrase, she was stopped suddenly by a voice from behind her. "I feel an air of fear around this place..."
"What?" Sailor Mercury swiveled on her heels to see the students who had just left flying toward her. She crouched as they flew over her, landing with a thud on the floor behind her. Looking up, she saw Droid Tornadia laughing. Sailor Mercury activated her V.R. Visor. "Droid or human...?" she mumbled as she scanned it. "A droid!" she exclaimed silently. "That means we can just destroy it!"
"Run that way!" she yelled to the civilians. "And open all the doors and tell them what's going on! And help get these injured students out of here!" She turned back to Droid Tornadia. "Now to deal with you... Mercury, Bubbles, Blast!!"
The droid initiated its right turbine, blasting the fog down the hallway. Sailor Mercury coughed and lowered herself. She looked at where the fog was heading and heard several people bump into each other, shouting. She hoped that someone had gotten the ones that landed on the ground out of there.
"Mercury, Ice Bubbles, Blast!" she whispered as she threw the bubbles across the floor at the monster.
Tornadia saw the attack coming and immediately floated to a position in mid-air. "You think you can get me that easily?" she laughed as the bubbles flew under her and hit the stairwell, turning the walkway into a block of ice. "Wow, this battle is a gas!" she screamed maniacally as she looked at her right turbine. Her gaze quickly snapped a small button down and she aimed her turbine at Sailor Mercury. Noxious fumes came out at an incredible speed, forcing Sailor Mercury to wheeze.
Sailor Mercury crawled into the classroom to her right, gasping for fresh air. She hit the button on her communicator. "This is Sailor Mercury! I need help! Now! I'm on the second floor being attacked by some droid!"
"We're on our way!" came Sailor Moon's voice.
"Thanks," Sailor Mercury sighed.

Lovestreak rose to a standing position. "Like a little frizzy hair can get me down!" she laughed sarcastically at Sailor Jupiter. "My lovely servants, get her!" she commanded the humans in the hallway, who instantly jumped on Sailor Jupiter. "I need Tornadia's help.." she thought and backed into the stairwell to get to Tornadia on the second floor. As she reached the third step, the entire stairwell became one block of ice, with her encased by it.
Sailor Jupiter struggled against the doting students who were clawing at her hair, shoving one onto the ground. He saw the block of ice and shouted, "Lovestreak!"
The others turned and saw this same problem. They all ran to the ice and pounded against it, trying to free their empress. One ran to a nearby fire extinguisher, pulled it off of the wall, and starting cracking the ice with it.
Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, and Sailor Mars burst into the corridor at that moment. "You've got to heal them!" shouted Sailor Jupiter.
"We're on our way to help Sailor Mercury!" she protested.
"She's in trouble!" agreed Sailor Venus. "We don't have much time to help her. They'll still be... um... like that when we get back!"
"What's wrong with them anyway?" demanded Sailor Mars.
"They're under Lovestreak's control! Sailor Moon, heal them, please! The three of us will go help Sailor Mercury!" said Sailor Jupiter. "There's another staircase that way!" she pointed to the other end of the hallway, and the three Sailor Scouts ran off.
"Excuse me!" shouted Sailor Moon at the servants of Lovestreak. They ignored her. She pulled out her Crescent Moon Wand once again, ready to heal them. "Moon, Heal-"
"Stop right there! You're bugging me!" came a voice from behind her. Sailor Moon turned around. It was Insectica.
"Great," Sailor Moon mumbled.
"Time to finish you off!"
"Let's see you try!"
"Ants, come forth!" she yelled, clawing at the ceiling tile, which broke open, spilling thousands of fire ants. "After her!"
Sailor Moon screamed, running off and into the wall. This hallway ended at the staircase! She then noticed an open classroom and scrambled inside, shutting the door behind her.

The three Sailor Scouts ran up the steps as fast as they could, panting. They reached the top step then stopped.
"What is this?!?" screamed Sailor Venus, trying to move. As she focused her eyes, she could see that they were trapped in a cobweb.
"Don't worry... I can get us out," smiled Sailor Mars. "Mars, Fire, Ignite!!" Flames flew from her fingertips, hitting the spider web, and instantly fizzling out.
"Must be flame retardant," said Sailor Jupiter.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)