"Teacher's Pets"
Chapter 10
"Rubius!" shouted Lovestreak. "Sailor Mercury is herding the kids out, and I can't see a thing! Can I summon a droid?"
Rubius appeared in the classroom, coughing at the fog that instantly filled his lungs. "Sure," he wheezed. "Just don't waste any valuable energy. Use some of the energy that you've gathered with the homework and tests."
"Um... I don't remember any of the ones that we have summonable... Besides Droid Bagelhead, and that one's already dead."
"Is 'summonable' even a word? Anyway, I know the perfect one. Hand me those tests."
"Where are you?"
"Fine, summon it yourself. Its name is Droid Tornadia."
Lovestreak clenched the papers between her hands and shouted, "Droid Tornadia, come forth!"
A ball of light appeared in the center of the room, although neither of the two could see it. It instantly expanded into a monster. The head formed first, with a human-like face, except for the fact that it had gradients of white to blue plastered as its skin. Instead of hands, it had two gigantic turbines. On its feet it wore leather sandals with wings on the side, reminiscent of the Greek god Hermes.
"Droid Tornadia, clear the air!" commanded Lovetsreak. the droid instantly obeyed, its turbines flipping on until the fog was gone. "Now go stop those children!"
"Stop right there!" shouted Sailor Venus at Blobbus, having no effect on the creature. The monster then shot a glob of itself onto Sailor Venus's arm, which started to expand, covering the Sailor Scout.
"Sailor Venus!" screamed Sailor Mars, running for her friend, but was immediately stopped by a brick hitting her in the back. Moaning in pain, she fell to the ground. She turned around to see another nega-slave, Robusta, standing above her. It had one arm made of brick, while the other was glinting with the light, obviously steel. The rest of her body was some sort of obsidian-looking material, hardly reflecting any light.
By the time the slime had covered all of Sailor Venus up to her neck, Blobbus had re-attached itself to her arm, pulling her into its body.
Serena continued to crouch beneath the teacher's desk where she had been hiding for the past five minutes. She turned off her communicator, hoping that Sailor Mercury would be able to make it into the classroom.
"Well, since it looks like we're actually going to get this subroutine," laughed Sailor Nega maniacally, "I'm going to go catch some more kids! See ya! Nega, Dark Stone, Transport!!"
Serena heard that and decided that it was time to transform. It seemed Sailor Nega was spending her time discovering the Sailor Scouts' identities. She had already figured out who both Amy and Raye were, and Serena certainly didn't want her figuring out who she was. Now that she was gone, it was a perfect opportunity to turn into Sailor Moon. "Moon, Crystal, Power!!" Crescents of light came from her locket, as well as wings of feathers. As the crescents surrounded her in streams of light, her school uniform quickly turned into her Sailor Moon outfit. She tried to jump out from under the desk, "Stop right there you- Oww!" she cried as she hit her head. She pushed herself up from the ground, leaning on the chalkboard for support. "You nega-creeps!"
Blobbus absorbed the rest of the nega-slaves at that instant, save for Robusta. Sailor Venus was grabbing for the floor, her fingers and eyes only free from the goop that was Blobbus. Robusta and Deathwish turned to Sailor Moon. Sailor Mars used that moment to crawl away from Robusta quickly. "Mars, Celestial Fire, Surround!" she muttered, aiming a line of flame at Robusta. It hit the nega-slave on its right side, causing the metal flesh to melt to the floor. In only a moment, it cooled, attaching the creature to the ground. "Thanks, Sailor Moon! Hey, what're those?" she asked, pointing to the wings that were still attached to Sailor Moon's back.
"Whoa!" Sailor Moon said as she turned around to see the wings that she could barely glimpse out of the corner of her eye. Since the wings were attached to her, she continued to spin in a circle for a few seconds, until she finally gave up. "I don't know, but it's time to get us out of here! Moon-"
"Stop!" yelled Deathwish.
"What now?" aksed Sailor Moon annoyed.
"You're not going anywhere!" she grabbed Sailor Moon by the waist, slamming her onto the desk and smashing it into splinters. As she hit the ground, she reached up to her tiara, shouting, "Moon, Tiara..." She stopped, the moon on her forehead glowing.
"What's wrong? Do it!" shouted Sailor Mars.
"Moon, Feather,"
"Transportation!!" Sailor Moon finished, the feathers of her wings flying from their position and gathering in three circles, one around Sailor Moon, one around Sailor Mars, and one around Sailor Venus and Blobbus. The light on Sailor Moon's forehead got brighter, and one by one, each feather started to glow until a chain of light grew upon each circle. The circles then expanded to full cylinders, bathing their targets in light. The next thing she knew, they were all collapsed on the ground outside of the school.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)