"Teacher's Pets"

Chapter 2

"You ready?" asked Serena impatiently as she hung on Aurora's locker.
"Where are you guys going?" asked Lita as she approached the two girls.
"The arcade. They got a few new games in overnight. Wanna come?" replied Aurora, as she grabbed her last textbook and slammed the locker door shut.
"Whoa!" screamed Serena as she fell from the now-missing armrest.
"You okay?" asked Lita and helped Serena to her feet.
"Yeah..." Serena wiped her face.
"Hey, you didn't cry that time! Congratulations!" shouted Aurora. Serena glared at her, so she quickly added, "Just joking..."
"You ready to go now?" asked Lita.
"I need to make a quick phone call first, okay?" answered Aurora, turning to the nearest phone booth. Getting inside, she shut the door to have a little privacy. She pulled out her Dark Stone and inserted it into the coin-hole. Picking up the phone, she prepared to explain her lack of ideas for attacking.
"Sailor Nega?"
"Yes, Rubius?"
"We have a new attack plan. Your school, tomorrow, we'll start."
"But what is it?"
"Well, I've managed to discover that Crossroads Middle School happens to be the second crystal subroutine. Deathwish, Insectica, and Lovestreak will impersonate substitute teachers and drain enough energy from their students to capture this location."
"Now if anyone begins to get suspicious, they will contact you immediately. But what?"
"All of my friends go to Crossroads Middle School... I don't want to hurt them..."
"Your friends?" asked Rubius incredulously. "You're from the future, Sailor Nega! Your friends haven't even been born yet. And besides, once we capture this crystal subroutine, all of your friends will be happy minions of the Negamoon. It's not as if they're actually being hurt, you know!"
"You're right..."
"Of course. Now, if they contact you, I don't want any petty arguments. Erase the memory, or hypnotize, or whatever it is that you do, to the suspicious human so we can get through this attack without the meddling of those pesky Sailor Scouts!"
"Will we be creating any droids?"
"Absolutely not! If the Sailor Scouts do happen to intervene in our operations, I want you four to fight them yourselves. Don't waste any energy that we've captured."
"Is that all?"
"Yes, mostly. What's the rush?"
"Nothing. I'm just going to the arcade with Serena and Lita."
"Win me a stuffed Chocobo."
"I'll try. I'm no good at those machines, but I'll try."
"See you when you complete this mission."
"Talk to you later, Rubius."

"So when do you think we'll see the Negaverse again?" asked Lita.
"Whenever it is, it'll be too soon," answered Serena. "You think Aurora could get to be our sixth Sailor Scout?"
"Get to be? We were pre-destined to be Sailor Scouts, because we were in the Moon Kingdom, remember? It's not as if we can give powers away like possessions or something."
"Oh yeah, good point..."
"Okay, I'm ready!" announced Aurora as she stpped out of the telephone booth, waving to her two friends sitting on the nearby bench. "Are either of you really good at U.F.O. catcher machines?"
"Not really," answered Serena, "But Game Machine Joe is!"
"I wanna go out with him..." sighed Lita. "He looks like my-"
"Yeah, yeah, your old boyfriend," interrupted Serena. "We know, Lita! C'mon, let's go!"
"Wait up!" yelled Lita, chasing after Serena and Aurora.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)