"Teacher's Pets"

Chapter 4

Amy awoke to a loud ringing. "Huh..." she mumbled, wiping the drool from her cheek. She was in her math class, and she quickly realized that the bell had just rung.
"Remember to finish the worksehets for homework," smiled Miss Peters, holding open the door for her subtitute students.
Amy gathered up her stuff and quickly headed out the door, trying to wake herself up. I've never fallen asleep in class before... she thought with wonder. And after that nap I should feel rested... Instead, I feel more enervated than ever...

"Chicken elephants on parade..." Serena barely enunciated, saliva dripping out of the corner of her mouth. The boy in her class was shaking her shoulder, trying to wake her up. "Salamander soup... No thank you, I'll have mayonnaise on my suitcase..."
"Serena... You need to wake up... You'll be late for second period..."
Serena slowly opened her eyes to see Darien standing before her. "Darien..." she smiled.
"No, I'm Nicholas..." smiled the boy. He was about Serena's height, and he had short, dark blue, almost black, hair and teal eyes. "You fell asleep again... But you usually wake up when the bell rings... Are you okay?" he asked with genuine concern.
He is so cute... "Thanks, Nicholas," smiled Serena as she got up from her seat.
"Um, you've got a little..." he pointed to the corner of his mouth.
"What?" She wiped her mouth, ridding her face of the drool. "Oh, thanks," she said and blushed with embarrassment. "I'll... see you later... Nicholas," she said, gently saying his name at the end. She grabbed her books and hurried out of the room.

Lita walked into the classroom, unlike the rest of the class, fullly energized. She sat down in her seat and opened her notebook, moments before the bell rung, signalling the beginning of second period.
Her teacher walked in a few seconds later. She had black hair and was wearing a long, white lab-coat, with classy black pumps on her feet. Her hair was tied back and she wore thin-rimmed glasses slightly lowered on the bridge of her nose. "Good morning, sudents... Your teacher has the flu, so I will be your substitute for the next few days. My name is Miss Brewer, and today we will begin our study of insects. But first, your teacher asked me to give you this short diagnostic test," she continued as she walked around the room, handing out the tests.

I wonder if... could it be the Negaverse? But why would they attack us students... Well we study hard, and that expends a lot of energy... But wouldn't it be much more prolific to attack a high school rather than a junior high school? Amy tapped her pencil on the dek as she thought of an answer to her own question. I'd better talk to the others at lunch today...

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)